As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the two men discuss the highest levels of philosophy?
(a) From the standpoint of men who have great faith.
(b) With disgust.
(c) Without much passion or wit.
(d) As men who have devoted their lives to the study of philosophy.

2. What do the rabbis talk about during their meeting, other than keeping the faith alive and ordaining new rabbis?
(a) That Elisha is helping the Romans.
(b) That Elisha has grown so wise and strong in his faith.
(c) The structure of Roman architecture.
(d) The weather.

3. What causes Charicles to change his mind about Elisha?
(a) He hears Elisha speak.
(b) Charicles realizes that Elisha is a Rabbi.
(c) A Rabbi tells Charicles who Elisha is.
(d) Charicles never changes his mind about Elisha.

4. How long does the siege on Bethar last?
(a) Three years.
(b) The siege never takes place.
(c) Four years.
(d) It never ends.

5. Who does Elisha encounter on the road to Caesarea?
(a) Roman soldiers.
(b) Pappas.
(c) Rufus.
(d) Meir.

Short Answer Questions

1. After 8 years in Antioch, Elisha writes a monograph detailing what?

2. Where does Elisha go to escape the cold of the blizzard?

3. Who does Rufus say will sit with Elisha during the upcoming trials?

4. What has Elisha based his entire life and course of studies on?

5. Meir walks with Elisha until they reach the boundary which marks what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the symbolism behind Rufus making Elisha sit beside a harlot during the executions.

2. How do the Jews of Palestine react when they discover Judah was martyred?

3. As Elisha and Pappas travel back to Jerusalem, how does their hometown look?

4. Why does Elisha's discussion with Charicles deeply disturb Elisha?

5. Why do Elisha and Manto hide their mutual love from Rufus, Manto's benefactor?

6. What did the people of Bethar choose to do rather than face Roman slavery and torture?

7. While in jail, Akiba makes a prediction. What does Akiba predict?

8. What did Manto make Elisha vow to do, as she lay dying in his arms?

9. Where does Elisha go during the blizzard, and why?

10. Was it wise for Elisha to pursue truth regardless of the consequences?

(see the answer keys)

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