As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the people of Bethar do when they realize that the Romans will soon overrun their town?
(a) Surrender to the Romans.
(b) Celebrate and prepare a grand feast.
(c) Invite the Romans into town.
(d) Commit suicide.

2. What fate does Elisha accept?
(a) That he is a man without religion and without country.
(b) That he will never find the answers he is searching for.
(c) To question everything in his final moments.
(d) The fate of eternal damnation.

3. What does Elisha feel shamed by?
(a) By the dedication of his fellow rabbis.
(b) By having to sit next to a harlot at the executions.
(c) By the idea that he caused the Jewish faith to end forever.
(d) By how the other rabbis beg for their lives.

4. What causes Charicles to change his mind about Elisha?
(a) He hears Elisha speak.
(b) Charicles never changes his mind about Elisha.
(c) Charicles realizes that Elisha is a Rabbi.
(d) A Rabbi tells Charicles who Elisha is.

5. What does Rufus want Elisha and Pappas to do?
(a) To inform him about the Jews.
(b) To send a message to Israel.
(c) To fight along side the Romans.
(d) To stay with him at his headquarters for their safety.

6. What is the strength of the Jewish faith expected to outlast?
(a) The vast studies and wisdom of the Romans and Greeks.
(b) The war against the Jews.
(c) The paganism practiced by the Romans.
(d) The Jews who practice it.

7. Why do Manto and Elisha always have a third person with them?
(a) Manto and Rufus always go everywhere together.
(b) Rufus orders it for their protection.
(c) So that Rufus will not be concerned about their relationship.
(d) Manto is uncomfortable around Elisha.

8. Where does Elisha go to begin his work for the Romans?
(a) Rome.
(b) Caesarea.
(c) The library.
(d) Israel.

9. Who does Elisha encounter on the road to Caesarea?
(a) Pappas.
(b) Roman soldiers.
(c) Meir.
(d) Rufus.

10. What vow does Elisha make to Manto before she dies in his arms?
(a) Nothing will stop him from completing his great project.
(b) He will tell Rufus she loves him.
(c) He will love her forever.
(d) He will find Rufus and aid him in his war efforts.

11. After 8 years in Antioch, Elisha writes a monograph detailing what?
(a) Elisha's experience as a rabbi in Israel.
(b) Elisha's plan for his life studies.
(c) Elisha's life in Antioch.
(d) Elisha's study of Greek and Roman texts.

12. Who encourages Elisha to publish his monograph?
(a) Pappas.
(b) Manto.
(c) The librarian.
(d) Antiphanes.

13. Meir walks with Elisha until they reach the boundary which marks what?
(a) The entrance to Caesarea.
(b) Where Jews are not allowed to cross on the Sabbath.
(c) The separation between Jews and Romans.
(d) The beginning of Roman territory.

14. Why does Elisha arrange to meet with Demonax?
(a) To try and convert Demonax.
(b) To arrest Demonax and take him to the proper authorities.
(c) To see if Demonax is as superior as he claims.
(d) To see if he will take Elisha on as a student.

15. Where do Elisha and Pappas go to meet with Rufus?
(a) Jerusalem.
(b) Antioch.
(c) The Sanhedrin.
(d) Israel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Elisha amazed to find even on death row?

2. How are over thirty rabbis able to meet in the attic of a friend in Lydda?

3. What does Elisha tell Meir about faith and reason?

4. How long does the siege on Bethar last?

5. How are the conditions of the jail described to Elisha?

(see the answer keys)

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