As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Manto decide Elisha should do, after she becomes involved in his quest?
(a) Flee before his troubles worsen.
(b) Refuse to oppose the Sanhedrin.
(c) Be tutored by Antiphanes.
(d) Go back to Israel and stand trial.

2. How does Elisha feel about the subject of human trading?
(a) Disgusted.
(b) He considers it a necessary evil.
(c) Impressed.
(d) He plans to pursue it as a future career.

3. Why is Abuyah considered something of a heretic among others in this society?
(a) He is late for Elisha's circumcision.
(b) His wife, Elisheba, died shortly after giving birth to his son.
(c) He is known to have studied Greek and Roman works.
(d) He spoke with Roman soldiers.

4. Why is Tobias, Elisha's steward, furious with Pappas and Elisha for their conversation with the Romans?
(a) Because the Romans caused the boys to come home late.
(b) Because the boys weren't respectful enough to the Romans.
(c) Because now the boys want to be Romans.
(d) Because the Romans murdered many Jews and destroyed the Temple.

5. Where are Elisha and Deborah to stay when at the feast?
(a) Uncle Amram's estate.
(b) Akiba's house.
(c) Rabbi Peter's home.
(d) Their own estate.

6. Who tells Elisha Pappas is not good company for him, and that he should not be reading Greek books?
(a) Deborah.
(b) Uncle Amram.
(c) Akiba.
(d) Josef.

7. What did rabbi Joshua do when the ex-communication of Elisha was read at Sanhedrin?
(a) Introduced an interdict on Greek studies.
(b) Said he would go to Antioch and find Elisha by himself.
(c) Left the Sanhedrin in anguish over his friends misfortune.
(d) Said he knew of Elisha's Greek studies.

8. Whose mother dies soon after childbirth?
(a) Abuyah's mother.
(b) Elisha's mother.
(c) Amram's mother.
(d) Elisheba's mother.

9. What did Elisha's best friends do because they were manipulated by Elisha?
(a) Built a government based on Greek law.
(b) Rebuilt the Temple.
(c) Helped him learn more Greek knowledge.
(d) Devised new methods to counteract the Sanhedrin.

10. While the seventy sages of the Sanhedrin are in session, who raises the question about whether a man should use Greek books and letters to read and study?
(a) The Patriarch.
(b) A Rabbi.
(c) Elisha.
(d) Abuyah.

11. How does Elisha begins his life as a Rabbi?
(a) By signing documents.
(b) Judging in Usha.
(c) Giving up all his possessions.
(d) Helping widows and children.

12. Who does Elisha want to seek out to answer his questions?
(a) Each member of the Sanhedrin, individually.
(b) The Christians and Gnostics.
(c) His old childhood friends.
(d) His old tutor, Josef.

13. Who arranges that Elisha be released from jail?
(a) Pappas.
(b) Rufus.
(c) Antiphanes.
(d) Manto.

14. When Elisha returns to his rooms, who wants to know what he is doing?
(a) A delegation of local Jews.
(b) A delegation of Jewish rebels.
(c) A gathering of Christian rebels.
(d) The Roman government.

15. Where does Uncle Amram take Elisha to begin his training to become a rabbi and sage?
(a) The Red Sea.
(b) The Home of Rabbi Joshua.
(c) The Home of Pappas.
(d) Rome.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Elisha travel while studying, attending academies, and sitting with the masters?

2. What does Elisha think about his new wife after the week-long festival?

3. When Elisha is notified that he is now a candidate for ordination, Deborah insists what of the servants?

4. What does Elisha acknowledge to Meir after receiving the news?

5. Where is Elisha sent, as a sage, to sit in court over a controversial issue?

(see the answer keys)

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