As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Elisha is notified that he is now a candidate for ordination, Deborah insists what of the servants?
(a) She insists they take a week off.
(b) She insists they call Elisha, Rabbi.
(c) She insists they kneel before Elisha.
(d) She insists they prepare a feast for themselves.

2. Who tells Elisha Pappas is not good company for him, and that he should not be reading Greek books?
(a) Akiba.
(b) Josef.
(c) Uncle Amram.
(d) Deborah.

3. How do the deaths from the plague affect Elisha?
(a) He ignores their deaths.
(b) He finds justification for their deaths in the Bible.
(c) He questions God's mercy for causing such anguish.
(d) He is not affected by the deaths at all.

4. Why does Pappas go back to Israel?
(a) To bring Deborah back to Antioch with him.
(b) To extract a message of intent from the Sanhedrin concerning Elisha.
(c) To inform the Sanhedrin that Elisha has no intent to return to Israel.
(d) To ask rabbi Joshua for advice concerning Elisha.

5. Why is Abuyah considered something of a heretic among others in this society?
(a) His wife, Elisheba, died shortly after giving birth to his son.
(b) He is known to have studied Greek and Roman works.
(c) He is late for Elisha's circumcision.
(d) He spoke with Roman soldiers.

6. Where is Elisha sent, as a sage, to sit in court over a controversial issue?
(a) Antioch.
(b) His hometown.
(c) Corinth.
(d) Tiberius.

7. What is Elisha dismayed to discover when he arrives to help with the court case?
(a) Elisha is the only one on the case.
(b) Shraga is not on the court case with him.
(c) The case is already settled.
(d) Shraga is one of the other sages on the case.

8. What happens when Palestine learns of Trajan's edict that the Temple may be rebuilt?
(a) Palestine petitions for the decision to be reversed.
(b) Palestine businesses close down.
(c) Palestine mourns.
(d) Money pours in from the Jewish people.

9. What is the name of the Greek scholar who instructs Elisha as a boy?
(a) Nicholaus.
(b) Pappas.
(c) Theo.
(d) Abuyah.

10. After sitting as an observer and Joshua's apprentice at Sanhedrin, what happened to Elisha?
(a) Elisha is ordained as a Rabbi.
(b) Elisha leaves his wife.
(c) Elisha becomes a Bishop.
(d) Elisha moves to Italy.

11. What does Elisha realize about his two years of study and the knowledge he has gleaned?
(a) He must quit studying.
(b) It has fulfilled all his expectations.
(c) It has not supplied the answers he so desperately needs.
(d) He needs to study harder.

12. What is Abuyah's dying wish for Elisha to fulfill?
(a) That Elisha will be wholehearted and not torn in two.
(b) That Elisha do what his uncle, Amram, tells him to do.
(c) That Elisha burn all books and documents that are not Jewish.
(d) That Elisha train to become a rabbi and sage.

13. When Elisha returns to his rooms, who wants to know what he is doing?
(a) A delegation of local Jews.
(b) A delegation of Jewish rebels.
(c) A gathering of Christian rebels.
(d) The Roman government.

14. Which renewed friend provides Elisha with a cover to get the books he needs?
(a) Simeon.
(b) Uncle Amram.
(c) Nicholaus.
(d) Meir.

15. Why is Rabbi Johannan amazed that Elisha is studying to become a rabbi?
(a) Because Elisha isn't intelligent enough to handle the job.
(b) Because Elisha is a Greek.
(c) Because Elisha's father had strong sympathies for the Greek.
(d) Because Elisha is a lay carpenter.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Pappas finds Elisha alone in the garden, what does he tell him?

2. What gift does Elisha receive from Pappas?

3. Who does Elisha find out he has been betrothed to?

4. What is the result of the three years of instruction Elisha receives from Amram after his father's death?

5. When Abuyah dies, who burns all the books and documents that are not Jewish?

(see the answer keys)

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