A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the preacher say awaits those who do not make use of the atonement of Christ to right their relationship with God?
(a) excommunication
(b) purgatory
(c) oblivion
(d) hell

2. How does the priest react to Stephen's confession?
(a) with kind words and exhortation
(b) in shock and disgust
(c) suspicious that the boy is exaggerating
(d) refusing to give absolution

3. What begins to needle him and cause minor disruptions to his devotions?
(a) remembering the girl on the tram
(b) imperfections in himself
(c) the teasing of other boys
(d) images of Emma in his head

4. How does Stephen now view his life?
(a) as a complete waste from which he learned nothing
(b) as a drudge worker in a heartless world
(c) as an escape from the old path and embarking on a new one
(d) as a hopeless drifter without proper education

5. What does Stephen discover when he returns home from the director's office?
(a) They are all excited about his becoming a priest.
(b) The family is being forced to move again.
(c) His father is in the hospital.
(d) Uncle Charles has died.

6. What distracting sight does Stephen come upon while he wades in the water?
(a) a porpoise leaping in the salty water
(b) a long legged crane perched on one leg
(c) a passing ship headed for new adventures
(d) a beautiful girl standing in the water gazing out to sea

7. How does Stephen classify one who plays the role of a believer though he does not believe?
(a) as a Jesuit
(b) as an agnostic
(c) as a hypocrite
(d) as an atheist

8. On his guilt trips, what does Stephen believe?
(a) that maybe there is no God and no need for religion
(b) that he can confess to the Virgin and never do it again
(c) that false homage to God cannot atone for sin as grievous as his.
(d) that God created him the way he is and there is nothing he can do about it

9. What does the rector announce that will take place on Friday?
(a) a banquet will be served
(b) a day of prayer and meditation will be observed
(c) all classes will be shortened
(d) confession will be heard

10. How does Stephen see his acts of devotion to God?
(a) as notches in a heavenly belt
(b) as pressing keys of a divine cash register
(c) as protection against prostitutes
(d) as tally marks on a chalkboard

11. What offer does the director make to Stephen when he calls him to his office?
(a) to join the Jesuits
(b) to skip a grade in school
(c) to become his assistant
(d) to become the student enforcer

12. Leaving the director's office, what does Stephen think about the life offered him?
(a) He is filled with pride that the director thinks he is so good.
(b) He does not see the priest as being more devoted than he is.
(c) He is filled with fear that his family will reject him.
(d) He questions his motives for wanting to be a priest.

13. Where does Stephen's father want to send him?
(a) to New York
(b) to Australia
(c) to a trade school
(d) the university

14. What will be the subjects of the retreat?
(a) sin and salvation
(b) confession and renewal
(c) death, judgment, hell, and heaven
(d) mortifying the flesh

15. How old is Stephen when he goes to confess his terrible sin?
(a) only 16
(b) about 19
(c) already 21
(d) just 14

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the preacher say the soul of the sinner is judged, and the time for repentance is passed?

2. Going through all these strict devotions, how does Stephen come to feel about himself?

3. Since the only sins Stephen has to confess these days are minor, what does his confessor want him to name?

4. What does Stephen resolve to do?

5. In whose honor is the retreat being held?

(see the answer keys)

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