A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephen wonder about Father Arnall's getting upset?
(a) if he will have a stroke
(b) if it means trouble
(c) if he hates boys
(d) if it is a sin

2. What public transportation does Stephen take?
(a) shank's mare
(b) horse drawn trams
(c) market carts
(d) new motor buses

3. What is the name of the character Stephen is fixated on?
(a) Mercedes
(b) Minnie Cooper
(c) Porsche
(d) Bentley Ann

4. What choice is given two of the older boys after the group of runaways is returned to Clongowes?
(a) a choice between flogging or the gauntlet
(b) a choice between flogging or the stocks
(c) a choice between flogging or public humiliation
(d) a choice between flogging and expulsion

5. Who bumps Stephen into a square ditch of slimy, cold water?
(a) the language teacher
(b) a boy named Wells
(c) a boy named Fleming
(d) the prefect

6. What does Stephen keep pasted inside his desk?
(a) a letter from his mother
(b) answers to test questions
(c) a photo of Eileen
(d) a countdown to the holidays

7. What is the rumor about the five boys who ran away from Clongowes?
(a) They spit in the holy water.
(b) They went to sea.
(c) They drank communion wine.
(d) They stole from the collection box.

8. What do the older men Stephen walks with usually talk about?
(a) religion and business
(b) Irish legends and music
(c) mostly of politics and family legends
(d) gambling and drinking

9. What is the purpose of the trip that causes Stephen's father to sip from his flask?
(a) Stephen's grandmother's funeral
(b) a job interview
(c) the auction of his property
(d) a visit to a clinic

10. Who gets into an argument during Christmas dinner?
(a) Stephen and Father
(b) Dante and Uncle Charles
(c) Dante and Mr. Casey
(d) Mother and Father

11. Why is Stephen exempted from his classes?
(a) because he is still running a fever
(b) because his glasses are broken
(c) because he was perfect on his exams
(d) because he broke his arm

12. What does Stephen pretend not to notice when his mother says goodbye to him at school?
(a) that she wore too much perfume
(b) that she was going to cry
(c) that her hat was on backwards
(d) that she was in a hurry to leave

13. Who does Stephen suspect is also in the audience the night of the play?
(a) the girl from the tram
(b) Mercedes
(c) Margaret
(d) Josephine

14. Which of the older boys opted for the flogging?
(a) a boy named Wells
(b) a boy named Tusker Boyle
(c) a boy named Corrigan
(d) a boy named Simon Moonan

15. What do the boys at school tease Stephen about?
(a) kissing his mother before bedtime
(b) wetting his bed
(c) wearing short pants
(d) writing letters to Eileen

Short Answer Questions

1. What gives Stephen a second clue that all is not well financially with the family?

2. What is Stephen's most troubling problem as he sees it?

3. What results when Stephen is bullied again?

4. After Blackrock, where does the family move?

5. Who is Mike Flynn?

(see the answer keys)

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