Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Appointment in Samarra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who else is hosting a party at the club tonight?
(a) Harry Reilly's sister
(b) Lute and Irma Fliegler
(c) Julian's parents
(d) Ed Charney

2. Who owns the Stage Coach Inn?
(a) Doug Ross
(b) Lute Fliegler
(c) Julian English
(d) Ed Charney

3. At what time do Julian and Caroline leave Julian's parents' home?
(a) 9:30 p.m.
(b) 8:15 p.m.
(c) 4:35 p.m.
(d) 2:30 p.m.

4. What does Monsignor Creedon tell Julian?
(a) He will pray for Julian
(b) He has cancer
(c) He wishes he had chosen a different career
(d) He is leaving the church

5. How does a girl improve her social status in Gibbsville?
(a) Having a baby
(b) Getting a career
(c) Hosting great parties
(d) Getting married

6. How does Julian enter the house when he returns home?
(a) Walking very slowly
(b) Bounding in
(c) Stealthily
(d) Very noisily

7. Where do the men in Gibbsville go to meet prostitutes?
(a) Stage Coach Inn
(b) Brandywine Inn
(c) Swept Away Inn
(d) Dew Drop Inn

8. Where does Julian drop Caroline off?
(a) Home
(b) The neighbors' home
(c) The Stage Coach Inn
(d) Church

9. To what city does Caroline take a trip which cuts short her second romance?
(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) New York
(d) Los Angeles

10. Of all the men she dated which one seemed to be the right man for her to marry?
(a) Carter Davis
(b) Harry Reilly
(c) Julian English
(d) Ross Campbell

11. Who arrives at the English home to cover the party for the society page?
(a) Irma Fliegler
(b) Katherine Carmichael
(c) Alice Cartwright
(d) Emma Bowman

12. What is Al doing at the Stage Coach Inn?
(a) Keeping an eye on Helene
(b) Arranging a New Year's Eve party
(c) Dancing with all the pretty women
(d) Keeping the beer cold

13. What habit did Julian get into with other boys?
(a) Breaking windows
(b) Peeking in windows
(c) Skinny dipping
(d) Shoplifting

14. Who does Julian speak to on the veranda?
(a) Harry Reilly
(b) Ed Charney
(c) Monsignor Creedon
(d) Lute Fliegler

15. Where does Al go?
(a) The Cadillac dealership
(b) Church
(c) The country club
(d) The Stage Coach Inn

Short Answer Questions

1. How many times had Julian tried to run away from home as a boy?

2. On what condition does Julian agree to visit Harry?

3. What does Julian leave with the maid before leaving for work?

4. Who was Caroline's second love?

5. When is Julian and Caroline's party scheduled?

(see the answer keys)

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