Angels in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Sarah Ironson, what is central to the Jewish Way?
(a) Struggle
(b) Fear
(c) Resilience
(d) Guilt

2. What part of Louis' attire in Act 5, Scene 3 does Belize think is ridiculous?
(a) His scarf
(b) His running shoes
(c) His hat
(d) His glasses

3. In Act 3, Scene 4, which of the following is not a place Louis mentions as a hot bed of homosexual mating?
(a) Jones Beach
(b) Central Park
(c) St. Mark's Baths
(d) Fire Island

4. By Act 4, Scene 4, how long has Hannah been trying to get hold of Joe since coming to New York?
(a) 5 months
(b) 2 weeks
(c) 3 months
(d) 1 month

5. Who is next to Prior when he returns to his hospital bed in Act 5, Scene 8?
(a) Emily
(b) Hannah
(c) Louis
(d) Belize

6. In what year is the diorama at the Mormon Visitor's Center supposed to take place?
(a) 1796
(b) 33
(c) 1847
(d) 1919

7. In Act 5, Scene 7, who is Roy Cohn representing in the afterlife?
(a) Joe McCarthy
(b) Ethel Rosenberg
(c) God
(d) The Angel

8. Why do the dead all play cards in heaven?
(a) They have nothing else to do
(b) They all abstained from it on Earth
(c) One does not have to talk
(d) There is a possibility of chance

9. When Prior asks Harper if she is a Mormon in Act 3, Scene 3, what does she say she is?
(a) An apostate
(b) A jack Mormon
(c) A psuedo-Mormon
(d) A Moron

10. What part of the funeral Prior and Belize attend at the beginning of Act 2 does Prior find particularly distasteful?
(a) The Sicilian Mourners
(b) The choreographed dance during the procession in
(c) The sequined lining of the casket
(d) The New Orleans funeral band

11. Which of the following characters is not in the Epilogue of the play?
(a) Prior Walter
(b) Joe Pitt
(c) Hannah Pitt
(d) Belize

12. What generally embarrassing ailment does Roy discuss having in Act 1, Scene 6?
(a) Genital warts
(b) Pubic lice
(c) Syphilis
(d) Bladder infection

13. Which of the following is not an element Louis uses to describe Joe's taste in Act 1, Scene 6?
(a) Gold
(b) Iron
(c) Chlorine
(d) Copper

14. What is Hannah's response to Prior when he asks in what God does to prophets who refuse their vision?
(a) She dares not say
(b) He feeds them to whales
(c) No prophet would do that
(d) He forgives them eventually

15. Which of the following is Prior's chosen vestment starting in Act 2 of Perestroika?
(a) A Mormon missionary's attire
(b) Priest's vestments
(c) A dashiki
(d) A black robe

Short Answer Questions

1. With what is Harper playing when Prior sees in her Heaven?

2. How is Prior's sight deteriorating?

3. What historical twentieth century event happened the day God abandoned the Angels?

4. According to Belize in Act 2, Scene 5, what has Roy lost because he is in a hospital?

5. To what Biblical relations does Roy compare his relationship with Joe in Act 4, Scene 1?

(see the answer keys)

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