Angels & Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angels & Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was branded on the second cardinal's chest?
(a) Fire.
(b) Air.
(c) Water.
(d) Earth.

2. Where is Langdon trapped after the Hassassin kidnaps Vittoria?
(a) In an overturned sarcophagus.
(b) In an archive vault.
(c) In the burning church.
(d) In a locked tomb.

3. What points Langdon in the direction of the Church of Illumination?
(a) A sculpture at the fourth Altar of Science.
(b) A clue in the Galileo book.
(c) The Hassassin.
(d) A bronze dove.

4. What does Langdon hear when he tries to call the Vatican after being rescued by the firemen?
(a) A voicemail machine.
(b) Static.
(c) Recorded music.
(d) A dial tone.

5. How does Langdon get past the outer wall of the fourth Altar of Science?
(a) A media truck extension helps him over.
(b) He finds an open door.
(c) He climbs.
(d) He picks the lock on a gate.

6. According to the Camerlengo, who told him to devise this horrible plan?
(a) Janus.
(b) Kohler.
(c) The Hassassin.
(d) God.

7. What did a priest once tell Kohler his paralysis was?
(a) An indication of an unconfessed sin.
(b) A missionary opportunity.
(c) A blessing in disguise.
(d) A punishment for his lack of faith.

8. Why does the Hassassin leave Langdon in the pool while he is still alive?
(a) He knows Langdon has been weakened.
(b) He is in a hurry.
(c) He does not want to take a life he was not ordered to take.
(d) He pretended to die.

9. What does Langdon see on the television as he leaves the Vatican Archives for the second time?
(a) The footage of the second cardinal being murdered.
(b) A false report that the new pope has been chosen.
(c) A threatening message from the Hassassin.
(d) An evacuation warning for all those in the Vatican.

10. What is the first thing Vittoria notices about the most recently deceased Pope?
(a) He is more decayed than he should be at this point.
(b) His tongue is black.
(c) He is bruised all over his arms.
(d) He has a rash.

11. What does Langdon do when he enters the meeting of Cardinals after he left the hospital?
(a) Explains to them how he survived.
(b) Casts his vote for Pope.
(c) Punches the Camerlengo.
(d) Shows them the tape from Kohler.

12. Where does Langdon wake up after getting in the helicopter with the Camerlengo?
(a) In the crashed helicopter.
(b) In a pile of rubble and bones.
(c) On a grassy hillside.
(d) On a beach.

13. Who was the Pope's son?
(a) Cardinal Mortarti.
(b) Rocher.
(c) One of the four dead Cardinals.
(d) The Camerlengo.

14. What did Langdon use as a parachute when he jumped from the helicopter?
(a) A tarp.
(b) His jacket.
(c) The Camerlengo's robe.
(d) A ripped parachute.

15. How did the Pope father a child without breaking his sacred vows of celibacy?
(a) He genetically structured a child.
(b) Artificial insemination.
(c) He adopted a boy.
(d) He got a repreive from God for one act of sexual contact.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Langdon do as soon as he realizes the Hassassin has left the fourth Altar of Science?

2. How is the Camerlengo killed?

3. How do the police find and resuce Langdon after the fire in the church is put out?

4. Where did Glick say was an important and secret member of the Illuminati in the report that landed him in a holding cell?

5. Who is Janus?

(see the answer keys)

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