Angelfall Test | Final Test - Medium

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angelfall Test | Final Test - Medium

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the angels stationed on Earth that married human women and had hybrid children, according to Raffe in Chapter 25?
(a) They were banished to live on Earth forever.
(b) They were promoted to God’s Messengers.
(c) They were banished to Mount Olympus.
(d) They were condemned to the Pit until Judgment Day.

2. After Penryn takes a drink from the waiter and is hidden from the Politician angel in Chapter 30, she becomes aware that what is likely to take place soon?
(a) The resistance soldiers are going to bomb the aerie.
(b) God is going to descend to Earth.
(c) The resistance soldiers are going to surrender.
(d) The angels are going to attack.

3. The scanty dress that Raffe hands Penryn to change into in the SUV reminds her of a dress she borrowed from what friend when she talked her into going clubbing with her in Chapter 26?
(a) Lisa.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Misty.

4. Raffe tells Penryn in Chapter 25 that a group of angels called what “were stationed on Earth to observe the humans”?
(a) The Troubadours.
(b) The Toothsayers.
(c) The Spindles.
(d) The Watchers.

5. In Chapter 26, Penryn describes the “end of the world when a box of crackers is worth more than” what?
(a) "A Cadillac."
(b) "A Mercedes."
(c) "A BMW."
(d) "A mansion."

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Paige’s friends does Penryn describe in Chapter 31 as having “wobbled when he walked and had to contort his face painfully to form coherent words which often let out an embarrassing amount of drool”?

2. When did the Great Earthquake hit San Francisco and cause massive devastation from the fires that broke out as a result?

3. The Tweedle brother tells Penryn as she enters the aerie’s underground garage that she needs to get out of there in how much time in Chapter 35?

4. What weapon does one of the men threaten to attack Penryn and the Tweedle brother with before Penryn’s mom arrives and intervenes in Chapter 35?

5. Penryn says of the women and angels in the club in Chapter 31, “The angels seem more interested in socializing with one another than with the women. Despite their best efforts, the women are being treated like” what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Paige do to the angel that attacks Penryn in Chapter 39?

2. What is Penryn’s reaction to the information she’s learned through Josiah and Raffe’s conversation in Chapter 32?

3. Where does Penryn first encounter the Politician in Chapter 30? How is this character described?

4. Where do Penryn and Raffe find a vehicle to drive in Chapter 26? Whom do they encounter in this setting?

5. How is the setting of the financial district described in Chapter 27?

6. Describe the chaos at the camp in Chapter 21. Where do Penryn and Raffe go?

7. How are the hybrid creatures in the glass tubes described in Chapter 36?

8. How is Penryn saved from the gang of thugs that surrounds her and the Tweedle brother in Chapter 35?

9. What information does Raffe relate to Penryn of the Watchers and the Nephilim in Chapter 25?

10. How is the setting of the interior of the aerie described in Chapter 28? What do Penryn and Raffe do upon entering?

(see the answer keys)

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