Angelfall Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angelfall Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Ee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the waiter that brings Raffe’s room service in Chapter 32?
(a) Michael.
(b) Tweedledee.
(c) Uriel.
(d) Josiah.

2. In Chapter 21, Penryn says, “Watching the soldiers leave is like watching the basement door close, shutting out the only light in the house and leaving me alone in the monster-filled darkness.” What literary technique is used in this sentence?
(a) Quarto.
(b) Motif.
(c) Onomatopoeia.
(d) Simile.

3. Who walks into the door with another angel just as explosions rock the ground in Chapter 39?
(a) Laylah.
(b) Anita.
(c) Judas.
(d) Dolores.

4. What second item does Penryn order from the Tweedle brother in order to have him return to the hotel room in Chapter 34?
(a) A chocolate bar.
(b) A bag of potato chips.
(c) A plate of spaghetti.
(d) A slice of pie.

5. Penryn says in Chapter 25 that what she knows of religions she learned from whom?
(a) Her priest.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her teacher.
(d) Her mother.

6. In Chapter 23, Penryn dreams about fighting with the woman at the camp. What comes pouring down on her and the fighting woman in the dream?
(a) Oil.
(b) Money.
(c) Blood.
(d) Feathers.

7. What kind of music is said to be filling the room when Penryn walks through the brass doors in the opening of Chapter 29?
(a) Hip-hop.
(b) Rap.
(c) Guitar rock.
(d) Jazz.

8. In Chapter 25, Raffe tells Penryn that a group of angels were stationed on Earth to observe humans. Some of these angels got lonely and took human wives. What were the hybrid children called?
(a) Seraphim.
(b) Zombies.
(c) Raptors.
(d) Nephilim.

9. How does Raffe describe his religious beliefs in Chapter 33?
(a) He is atheist.
(b) He is agnostic.
(c) He is Jewish.
(d) He is a devout Catholic.

10. What is described as having been grafted onto Paige’s teeth in Chapter 39?
(a) Toothpicks.
(b) Razos.
(c) Daggers.
(d) Box cutters.

11. At the end of Chapter 25, Penryn narrates of her lack of success in gathering information from Raffe, “So much for my information mining. I guess I'll never be a spymaster like” who?
(a) “Uriel and Beliel.”
(b) “Raffe and the other angels.”
(c) “Serafina and Paulina.”
(d) “Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”

12. What does Raffe say in Chapter 25 “are forbidden to Angels”?
(a) “The Sons of Men.”
(b) “The Daughters of Men.”
(c) “The Comforts of the Living.”
(d) “The Angels of Mercy.”

13. The Tweedle brother tells Penryn as she enters the aerie’s underground garage that she needs to get out of there in how much time in Chapter 35?
(a) A half-hour.
(b) Two hours.
(c) Ten minutes.
(d) An hour.

14. What room number does the hotel clerk give Raffe a key for in Chapter 32?
(a) 4571.
(b) 2121.
(c) 1712.
(d) 3456.

15. What kind of vehicle does Penryn spy on the roadway below her and Raffe as it weaves through the stalled cars in Chapter 25?
(a) A Hummer.
(b) A CAT Tractor.
(c) A Jeep.
(d) A Ford Taurus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What creatures does Penryn dream of attacking her and her sister in Chapter 23?

2. Penryn says in Chapter 24, “As we head out of the house, I wonder how my mother is doing. A part of me worries about her, a part of me is glad to be free of her, and all of me feels guilty for” what?

3. The angel Laylah is described by Penryn in Chapter 32 as looking like the mold for what mythological goddess?

4. Penryn says in Chapter 33 that her mother’s belief in the devil is what?

5. What has Penryn ordered from room service when one of the Tweedle brothers finally brings it in Chapter 34?

(see the answer keys)

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