The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the Kiowa people decide to move?
(a) It got colder.
(b) There were wars and disasters.
(c) They needed more space.
(d) They were restless.

2. What word does Set thinks best describes Grey's personality?
(a) Interesting.
(b) Vivacious.
(c) Enchanting.
(d) Naive.

3. How is Set's health as he begins his vision quest?
(a) He is physically fit.
(b) He is tired.
(c) He is weak from his illness.
(d) He is twenty years too old.

4. What change comes over Grey at her mother's house?
(a) She feels less sure of herself.
(b) She becomes lazy and childlike.
(c) She changes from a girl to a woman.
(d) She becomes restless and wild.

5. What does Grey believe will bring Set to her?
(a) His need for understanding of his culture.
(b) The medicine bundle.
(c) His Kiowa blood.
(d) The sheer strength of her will.

6. Why don't Grey and Set speak at the dance?
(a) They are unsure how to proceed.
(b) There is nothing to say.
(c) They are restricted in their conversation.
(d) They are angry with each other.

7. Why does Billy the Kid feel unable to talk to Sitting Bear?
(a) Billy the Kid is ashamed of his life.
(b) Billy the Kid has few words.
(c) Billy the Kid is not honest.
(d) Billy the Kid has commited great crimes.

8. What does Set feel as he picks up the bear's paw?
(a) An urgent restlessness.
(b) A calm serenity.
(c) A wild curiosity.
(d) A secure strength.

9. What happens in California while Set is in Paris?
(a) Set begins to feel the power of the medicine bundle.
(b) Bent has a stroke and dies.
(c) Set's paintings sell for a lot of money.
(d) Lola Bourne discovers Set's affair.

10. What quality did the Kiowas have that the Navajo did not approve?
(a) Thievery.
(b) Arrogance.
(c) Daring.
(d) Dishonesty.

11. What increases the bond between Set and Grey?
(a) Conversation.
(b) Mutual interests.
(c) Consideration.
(d) Understanding.

12. What does Lela say has made Set sick?
(a) His modern upbringing stands against him.
(b) His Kiowa blood stands against him.
(c) His life as an orphan stands against him.
(d) The bear stands against him.

13. What does Lola Bourne think Set is doing?
(a) Forgetting himself.
(b) Enjoying himself.
(c) Reconstructing himself.
(d) Annihilating himself.

14. What had caused Set's breakdown, according to the hospital?
(a) Extraordinary psychological pressure.
(b) Working too hard.
(c) Skipping meals.
(d) Daydreaming.

15. What do members of the Navajo tribe call themselves?
(a) Cherokee.
(b) Wanderers.
(c) Dine.
(d) Apache.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Grey feel as she saw Set driving into Mottledmare's property?

2. What happens to Set after Bent dies?

3. What does Set do each night?

4. Who helps Milo Mottledmare transport Worcester Meat?

5. What does Set find in his old bedroom?

(see the answer keys)

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