The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Worcester Meat feel as his life ends?
(a) Tired and sick.
(b) Impatient and angry.
(c) Serene and refreshed.
(d) Lonely and frightened.

2. What does Alais Sancerre notice about Set's body after they have slept together?
(a) He is muscular and strong.
(b) He is pale and sickly looking.
(c) He has hair everywhere on his body.
(d) He is tense and tight-muscled.

3. What does Milo Mottledmare leave for Worcester Meat?
(a) Bread and fruit.
(b) Apples and cheese.
(c) Sandwiches.
(d) Crackers and cheese.

4. What change comes over Grey at her mother's house?
(a) She changes from a girl to a woman.
(b) She becomes restless and wild.
(c) She becomes lazy and childlike.
(d) She feels less sure of herself.

5. What does Grey feel as she saw Set driving into Mottledmare's property?
(a) Fear.
(b) Apprehension.
(c) Relief.
(d) Worry.

6. What does Bent tell Set when Set sees a vision of Bent in the garden?
(a) Bent is looking at the flowers.
(b) Bent is looking for the boy.
(c) Bent is looking for the dog.
(d) Bent is looking for his glasses.

7. What happens to Set after Bent dies?
(a) He becomes stronger.
(b) His painting becomes more controlled.
(c) He becomes freer, more sociable.
(d) He has a breakdown.

8. What does Set do each morning as he first wakes up?
(a) He prays for Grey.
(b) He begins to paint.
(c) He goes for a run.
(d) He prepares breakfast.

9. How did his stay at Lukachukai affect Set?
(a) It had frightened him.
(b) It had cleared his mind.
(c) It had confused him.
(d) It had separated him from all that was familiar.

10. What increases the bond between Set and Grey?
(a) Understanding.
(b) Consideration.
(c) Mutual interests.
(d) Conversation.

11. What does Set have to learn to converse with Lela?
(a) An oblique, proper form of conversation.
(b) To speak frankly.
(c) Weaving.
(d) Navajo.

12. What did the bear do that was unusual?
(a) It came up to people gladly.
(b) All of these.
(c) It ran on its hind legs.
(d) It cried with the voice of a child.

13. What does Lola Bourne think Set is doing?
(a) Enjoying himself.
(b) Forgetting himself.
(c) Annihilating himself.
(d) Reconstructing himself.

14. How do Grey and Set marry?
(a) At the county courthouse.
(b) In Las Vegas.
(c) In a traditional ceremony in the hogan.
(d) In a modern ceremony in the desert.

15. Why don't Grey and Set speak at the dance?
(a) There is nothing to say.
(b) They are unsure how to proceed.
(c) They are restricted in their conversation.
(d) They are angry with each other.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Set returns to his adoptive father Bent's house, who does he see at first in his mind's eye?

2. What did Set look for in the garden when he was a child?

3. How does Grey feel during the heavy rainstorms of the plains?

4. What was the last dream of Koi-ehm-toya's great-great-grandson?

5. What had caused Set's breakdown, according to the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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