The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lola Bourne feel in the Mottledmare home?
(a) She is intrigued.
(b) She is frightened.
(c) She is bored.
(d) She is visibly uncomfortable.

2. What does Lola Bourne do with her letter to Set?
(a) She quits writing it.
(b) She burns it.
(c) She mails it.
(d) She hands it to him.

3. How unusual is Set's kind of breakdown?
(a) It happens all the time.
(b) It is fairly common.
(c) It is extremely rare.
(d) It is quite unusual.

4. Why did the Kiowa people decide to move?
(a) They needed more space.
(b) There were wars and disasters.
(c) It got colder.
(d) They were restless.

5. What relief does Lola Bourne get from writing her letter to Set?
(a) A sense of bewilderment.
(b) Some relief.
(c) A sense of satisfaction.
(d) No relief.

6. How does Worcester Meat feel as his life ends?
(a) Impatient and angry.
(b) Tired and sick.
(c) Serene and refreshed.
(d) Lonely and frightened.

7. Where does Worcester Meat go after he has been sick for sixteen days?
(a) Home to his little house.
(b) To the forest.
(c) To the bed where Kope'mah died.
(d) To the hospital.

8. What does Set do each night?
(a) He waits patiently for the day to end.
(b) He watches television.
(c) He goes for a run.
(d) He opens the medicine bundle.

9. What does Lola Bourne think Set is doing?
(a) Reconstructing himself.
(b) Annihilating himself.
(c) Enjoying himself.
(d) Forgetting himself.

10. When Set returns to his adoptive father Bent's house, who does he see at first in his mind's eye?
(a) Lukie.
(b) Bent.
(c) Himself as a boy.
(d) Senora Archuleta.

11. What happens to Set after Bent dies?
(a) He has a breakdown.
(b) He becomes freer, more sociable.
(c) His painting becomes more controlled.
(d) He becomes stronger.

12. Why did the Piegan people decide not to believe in the child who disappeared?
(a) The child was an impossibility.
(b) The child had not spoken a word of sense.
(c) The child faded away before their eyes.
(d) The child turned into a bear before their eyes.

13. What does Set find in his old bedroom?
(a) His early photos.
(b) His early drawings.
(c) His early yearbooks.
(d) His early trophies.

14. What change comes to Grey in the summer?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) She is less beautiful.
(c) She is grumpy.
(d) She is tired all the time.

15. What does Sitting Bear admire more than modesty?
(a) Humor.
(b) Boasting.
(c) Honesty.
(d) Courage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Grey and Set see in the masks of the dancers?

2. What did people who came later find the early tribes had left on the plains?

3. Why does Billy the Kid feel unable to talk to Sitting Bear?

4. How do Grey and Set marry?

5. What word does Set thinks best describes Grey's personality?

(see the answer keys)

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