An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What plan did Colonel Frank Greer suggest that was countermanded by Terry Allen?
(a) Utilize the hill as a defilade and wait for tank support.
(b) Circle the town and cut if off from it's supply of troops from Oran.
(c) A building by building guerrilla campaign by infantry.
(d) A creeping artillery barrage through the town of St. Cloud.

2. Hitler reinforced Tunis because of what realization, according to the author?
(a) That the Vichy French alliance had collapsed.
(b) That the American claim to plan a landing on the shores of Normandy was a rouse.
(c) That Italy would not be able to adequately face the size of the Allied force there.
(d) That North Africa could be used as a platform for the invasion of southern Europe.

3. Against the wishes of his generals, the president of the United States canceled which plan in preference for a North African invasion?
(a) Charioteer.
(b) Watchtower.
(c) Sledgehammer.
(d) Rainbow 5.

4. According to the author, what strategic mistake was repeated at the port of Algiers in operation TERMINAL?
(a) A frontal assault.
(b) The launch of a weak pre-emptive strike.
(c) A poorly planned air raid.
(d) Assuming heavy French resistance.

5. The Tine River Valley, where Luftwaffe pilots were attacking about once per hour, was nicknamed what by the troops of the 1st Battalion?
(a) Uncle Adolf's.
(b) The Firing Range.
(c) The Mess.
(d) Happy Valley.

6. Why did Darlan revoke his order announcing to all French troops that further battle was futile?
(a) The position of the British above him in the command structure threatened French authority.
(b) French troops threatened revolt.
(c) Marshal Petain sacked Darlan as his military commander and repudiated the agreement.
(d) The arrival of General Giraud threatened his new position.

7. What was operation WATCHTOWER?
(a) The name of the original U.S. plan to attack Germany through France.
(b) A covert mission to convince Vichy France to join the Allied cause.
(c) A pre-emptive strike by the Royal Air Force against North African Axis bases.
(d) The first Allied counter-offensive against Japan at Guadalcanal.

8. What political arrangement with the French particularly caused a public outcry in both the U.S. and Britain?
(a) Amnesty for Petain.
(b) Giraud's promotion to Commander-in-Chief.
(c) The Darlan deal.
(d) Supply of French.

9. What nickname for Eisenhower did the War Department try to suppress?
(a) Howie.
(b) Doc.
(c) C-N-C.
(d) Ike.

10. According to the author, what significant change occurred in the relationship between the Allies over the course of the campaign?
(a) Britain slipped into the role of a junior partner to America.
(b) Italy sided with the Allies.
(c) Vichy France betrayed their agreement with Germany by refusing to fight Americans.
(d) America formed an immediate bond with Britain.

11. According to Allen, why does a soldier fight?
(a) To prove that his unit is the best in the Army and that he has as much guts as anybody else in the unit.
(b) Because that's what he's trained to do.
(c) For his country, his family, and his sense of honor.
(d) To save suffering humanity.

12. Who traveled to Gibraltar under the nom de guerre of "General Howe."
(a) Winston Churchill.
(b) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
(c) George Patton.
(d) Ted Roosevelt.

13. In the naval battle of Casablanca, Hewitt faced El Hank. What was El Hank?
(a) A captured then renamed American battleship.
(b) The single German U boat deending the harbor on loan to the French.
(c) A coastal battery.
(d) An uniquely large and rapidly firing gun turret mounted on the Jean Bart, a french battleship.

14. According to the author, General Patton had condensed his extensive study of history and military art down to one manifesto. What was it?
(a) "Survival in battle is for the lucky; it's a soldier's duty to die."
(b) "Violent attacks everywhere with everything."
(c) "Establish a unified front and push until their back is against the wall."
(d) "Divide and conquer."

15. What events occurred to the disappointment of Hitler around 1941?
(a) The fall of Yugoslavia and Britain's invasion across the English Channel.
(b) Stalin's break from his treaty with Germany and the resulting shortage in fuel reserves.
(c) Mussolini's fondness of French culture and Japan's need for war ships.
(d) Spain's refusal to join the Axis and Italy's invasion of Greece.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Allied success in Djedeida in November 1942 lead to what effect?

2. According to Rear Admiral Bennett, the RESERVIST plan was:

3. What was considered "the single most decisive act of the Second World War," by historian Marin Gilbert?

4. Major Rudolph Barlow's surprise attack on an an Axis airfield discovered outside the city of Djedejida resulted in what?

5. What did Eisenhower suspect of General Giraud?

(see the answer keys)

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