An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Brigadier General Truscott quoted as learning, perhaps in relation to his conflict in Mehdia?
(a) "Luck is worth a division."
(b) "No matter how large the force engaged, every battle is made up of small actions by individuals and small units."
(c) "Nothing undoes a good strategy like French snipers."
(d) "There is no winning, there is only moving on."

2. In the naval battle of Casablanca, Hewitt faced El Hank. What was El Hank?
(a) The single German U boat deending the harbor on loan to the French.
(b) An uniquely large and rapidly firing gun turret mounted on the Jean Bart, a french battleship.
(c) A captured then renamed American battleship.
(d) A coastal battery.

3. What best describes the enemy structure referred to as the 'Kasbah' by Americans?
(a) A large barn temporarily used as U.S. Army barracks.
(b) A tower originally built during the crusades now used by a nest of snipers.
(c) A beach resort used as a French command center.
(d) A sixteenth-century Portuguese fortress.

4. September 1, 1939 marked the first day of a war that would last approximately:
(a) 2,000 days.
(b) 4,000 days.
(c) 3,000 days.
(d) 1,000 days.

5. The average number of deaths per day during the war averaged:
(a) 9,600.
(b) 7,600.
(c) 12,600.
(d) 27,600.

6. General Georges Barre was the only Vichy French commander to refuse to kowtow to the Germans. What did he do?
(a) Sidled westward into Tunisia's wild hills to await developements.
(b) Led a foiled attack against the palace of the bey.
(c) Stormed the Axis command post.
(d) Fled the city for the desert in the south.

7. Upon being made Mussolini's deputy, what plan did Kesselring devise?
(a) To give up North Africa as slowly as possible to buy time for the Axis campaign in Russia.
(b) A consolidation of forces aimed at breaking the Allied forces up.
(c) An immediate assault on Oran.
(d) To build a bridgehead around Tunis and plan a counter attack.

8. According to the author, what strategic mistake was repeated at the port of Algiers in operation TERMINAL?
(a) A frontal assault.
(b) A poorly planned air raid.
(c) The launch of a weak pre-emptive strike.
(d) Assuming heavy French resistance.

9. In the winter of 1942, which Nation proved the dominant Air force in North Africa?
(a) Germany.
(b) Britain.
(c) America.
(d) France.

10. What is Ultra?
(a) The intelligence gathered through British decipherment of coded German radio messages.
(b) The codename for the bazooka.
(c) The name of the U.S. Secret Service in World War II.
(d) A clandestine plan to land a group of American conspirators behind enemy lines in North Africa.

11. What event on November 27 in Toulon represents "one of the greatest acts of self-immolation in military history," according to the author.
(a) Rather than losing another airfield to Allied forces, Germans destroyed 40 of their own planes and fuel reserves.
(b) The destruction of all American Stuart tanks at the front to be replaced by General Lee's.
(c) Vichy French high command destroyed their own defensive installations as a sign of faith to the Fascist cause.
(d) The scuttling of the Vichy French fleet.

12. What became the unofficial motto of Allied forces in Tunisia?
(a) "To the last of our rations."
(b) "Kilroy was here."
(c) "It flies, it dies."
(d) "Dig or Die."

13. What kind of memorial fills the American military cemetery at Carthage to mark the graves of American troops?
(a) One large marble tomb.
(b) Catacombs.
(c) Several granite obelisks.
(d) Simple marble markers.

14. America declared war on Germany upon:
(a) The bombing of Pearl Harbor.
(b) When German troops unfurled an enormous Swastika flag from the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris.
(c) When the Italian government declared war on France and Britain.
(d) The advance of German troops into Poland.

15. The General Lee is described by the author as: "double the Stuart's weight, with a 75mm gun in the hull, a 35mm squirrel rifle in the turret, and four machine guns." What did the author describe as it's flaws?
(a) Height, the large gun could traverse only a couple degrees and was set too low.
(b) Too wide for city streets, poor at sand travel and expensive.
(c) Lack of forward armor, speed and maneuverability.
(d) Terrible range, accuracy and weakness from behind.

Short Answer Questions

1. When German anti-aircraft gunners in Tunis fired at his plane by mistake, Field marshal Albert Kesselring's response was to:

2. What political arrangement with the French particularly caused a public outcry in both the U.S. and Britain?

3. According to the author, North Africa is where the Axis forever lost:

4. A British Tommy is quoted as saying:

5. What was the Service d'Ordre Legionnaire, whom Terry Allen came up against in the battle for St. Cloud?

(see the answer keys)

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