Amadeus Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amadeus Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Constanze suggest might cure her husband's bad dreams?
(a) Work.
(b) A better house.
(c) A visit to the spa.
(d) Laudanum.

2. Why is Mozart so enthusiastic about vocal quartets?
(a) These allow audiences to hear from four different characters in the same moments of time.
(b) The royalty payments are higher than if only one person is singing.
(c) These give work to more musicians.
(d) They are popular already, so they will find a ready audience.

3. Why does Mozart dislike operas about lofty individuals and ancient heroes?
(a) He thinks all opera should be funny.
(b) He believes this will make the art form decline.
(c) He believes opera should be about real people.
(d) He believes they are too hard for singers to master.

4. What is Mozart's response to Constanze's dancing?
(a) He chases her around the room.
(b) He tells her to sit down and shut up.
(c) He grabs her and starts kissing her.
(d) He picks her up and puts her to bed.

5. What did Mozart ask his father to do?
(a) Provide him with an income.
(b) Provide him with an endowment for his son.
(c) Mind his son while he was away in England.
(d) Mind his son while Constanze had a second baby.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Salieri find a compensation for ghastly encounters at the Baroness's?

2. What salary does Salieri recommend Mozart be paid?

3. What does Constanze's return to Salieri show us?

4. How does Mozart describe opera's importance?

5. What does Salieri notice about Mozart during the applause for the opera?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way is Mozart's tendency to plain speaking working against him, according to the Venticelli?

2. What is Salieri's fate?

3. What are the indications of decline that Salieri observes when he meets Wolfgang and Constanze in the Prater?

4. Comment on Salieri's actions as Mozart's illness and obsession overtake him.

5. What disturbing aspect of 'appearances versus reality' does Salieri allude to in his opening speech in Act 2 of Amadeus?

6. How is the Emperor a danger to Salieri's plan to destroy Mozart?

7. In what way does Salieri scheme to spoil the production of The Marriage of Figaro?

8. In what way does Salieri use the information from the Venticelli to take further action against Mozart?

9. What happens in this scene to essentially perform the coup-de-grace for Mozart?

10. Comment on the philosophical contrast between Mozart and Van Swieten and Von Strack.

(see the answer keys)

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