Amadeus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amadeus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mozart react to news of his salary?
(a) With skepticism.
(b) With delight and gratitude.
(c) With disappointment and anger.
(d) With delight.

2. 'It celebrates . . . the goddess in Woman and not the laundress' is a reference to what>
(a) Opera.
(b) Lieder.
(c) Drama.
(d) The Feast of the Annunciation.

3. Who does Mozart blame for his disappoint in the matter of Princess Elizabeth?
(a) Constanze.
(b) Salieri.
(c) His father.
(d) Himself.

4. Why do Constanze and Wolfgang stop their private game?
(a) They hear Salieri coming.
(b) Constanze goes into labor.
(c) They are tired and cold.
(d) Constanze faints.

5. Despite being unable to block the production, how does Salieri feel at the first performance of Figaro?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Strangely exhilerated.
(c) Strangely excited.
(d) Strange and light-headed.

6. Who pays for Mozart's funeral?
(a) Baron Van Swieten.
(b) Frau Weber.
(c) The Emperor.
(d) Count Orsini-Rosenberg

7. How had Mozart disobeyed his father?
(a) By leaving Salzburg.
(b) By marrying against his advice.
(c) By composing The Abduction from the Seraglio.
(d) By working for the Emperor.

8. What word describes Salieri's success and what he has bought with it?
(a) 'Deliberate' for the way he has made things happen and the way he has decorated his house.
(b) The adjective 'golden'--for opinions and the furniture that reflects his success.
(c) 'Incomprenensible' to apply to his success and his wife's taste in furniture.
(d) The word 'lavish' to connect praise and furnishings.

9. What is Salieri determined now to do?
(a) To block God in one of his purest manifestations--Mozart.
(b) To block God by writing better music than Mozart can.
(c) To serve God all his days.
(d) To block Mozart, thus serve God more fully.

10. What is Mozart's response to Constanze's dancing?
(a) He chases her around the room.
(b) He picks her up and puts her to bed.
(c) He tells her to sit down and shut up.
(d) He grabs her and starts kissing her.

11. How has Katharina Cavalieri changed since she was last seen?
(a) She is sluttish and over-ornamented.
(b) She is thin and has dyed her hair.
(c) She now has many wrinkles.
(d) She is better dressed.

12. What does Constanze suggest might cure her husband's bad dreams?
(a) Work.
(b) A better house.
(c) A visit to the spa.
(d) Laudanum.

13. Who does Salieri claim is the inspiration for the Ghost in Don Giovanni?
(a) Old Papa Haydn.
(b) Leopold Mozart.
(c) Chris Gluck.
(d) God.

14. What is it that Mozart intends to adapt and include in his vaudeville opera?
(a) Secrets of Dionysus
(b) A Requiem Mass.
(c) Secret Masonic rituals.
(d) Obscure Catholic rituals.

15. What desperate measure of Mozart's do the Venticelli inform Salieri about?
(a) His betting his coat at a card game.
(b) His begging money from the Masons.
(c) His begging in the streets of Vienna.
(d) His pawning his wife's jewelery.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the problem concerning The Marriage of Figaro?

2. What strange insight does Mozart seem to have regarding the Figaro problems?

3. Why did Van Swieten attend the performance?

4. What suggestion does Salieri make to Mozart?

5. Who writes an opera that is the talk of the city of Vienna, according to the Venticelli?

(see the answer keys)

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