All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprising twist occurs at Willie's next speech?
(a) Willie resigns before he is blackmailed.
(b) Willie tells the crowd about how he has been duped and he is resigning in order to support MacMurfee.
(c) Willie resigns because he gets some bad medical news.
(d) Willie resigns because his wife cannot withstand the rigors of the campaign.

2. What happens to Willie's career in April of 1933?
(a) Willie receives the national endorsement to campaign for president.
(b) There are impeachment proceeding initiated because of the White case.
(c) The news of Willie's affairs threatens his career.
(d) Willie has to step down for health reasons.

3. On what topic does Willie complain to Jack about Lucy?
(a) How much money Lucy is spending to decorate the governor's mansion
(b) How much Lucy has overextended her wardrobe budget
(c) How Lucy is raising their son, Tom
(d) How much weight Lucy seems to have gained recently

4. What kinds of stories are surfacing at the newspaper office, The Chronicle?
(a) Stories about prohibition
(b) Stories about segregation
(c) Stories about corruption in county courthouses
(d) Stories about environmental issues

5. What does Jack think he can find to blackmail Judge Irwin?
(a) He knows that the Judge has an illegitimate child.
(b) He knows the dirt about the Judge's divorce.
(c) He does not think he can find anything.
(d) He knows that the Judge has money in Cayman banks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the topic of Jack's dissertation?

2. Where do Willie and Jack go after leaving Judge Irwin?

3. What does the answer to #45 reveal to Willie?

4. Who are Willie and his entourage visiting at a farm?

5. Why is Willie's wife, Lucy, leaving Willie?

Short Essay Questions

1. Under what circumstances did Jack's parents meet?

2. What potential issues surround the contract being awarded to J.H. Moore?

3. How does Jack reason out Judge Irwin's role in his childhood?

4. What does Jack recall about his childhood at the beginning of Chapter 3?

5. What is the nature of Anne Stanton's depression?

6. What leads Jack to explore the judge's interest in the American Electric Power Company?

7. What does Jack discover when he digs into the school construction story?

8. How do Jack's mother and Judge Irwin feel about Jack's association with Willie Stark?

9. What is the reason that Willie's wife, Lucy, is leaving him?

10. To whom is the construction contract awarded and why?

(see the answer keys)

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