All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Maya and Torvash find themselves alone at Dieter's house, what does Torvash say about their host?
(a) They're old friends.
(b) He's old and senile.
(c) He's a spy.
(d) He's probably a Nazi.

2. Maya cannot accept the invitation by the German man and his wife, but instead suggests what?
(a) They go to a nightclub later that evening.
(b) They have breakfast together.
(c) The couple calls her later in the week.
(d) They read her book of poetry.

3. Who is Malcolm X?
(a) Sports figure.
(b) Professor of African-American history.
(c) Official U.S. ambassador.
(d) Civil Rights leader.

4. How is Maya treated when she visits a small African village?
(a) She is welcomed warmly and shown much hospitality.
(b) The villagers are wary of her and keep their distance.
(c) She is given many chores to do to pay for her meals.
(d) The villagers stare at her with open, unabashed curiosity.

5. Why does Maya suggest that everyone tell a story at Dieter's house?
(a) She has a fantastic story to share.
(b) To keep a close eye on Dieter.
(c) She likes Torvash and doesn't want the visit to end.
(d) So everyone could get to know each other better.

6. When Malcolm X speaks in Accra, what does he say has changed in his attitude towards whites?
(a) He now sees he has misunderstood whites.
(b) He feels all whites are corrupt.
(c) He believes no blacks can ever trust whites.
(d) He now has some white friends.

7. How does Malcolm X respond when a university student asks how he can represent blacks when his skin is so light?
(a) Dismisses the question and moves on to another topic.
(b) Cuts his talk short and leaves in anger.
(c) Explains that he stands up for the oppressed everywhere.
(d) Laughs and says that he lives and fights as a black man.

8. What does Nana Nketsia ask of Maya?
(a) If she would spy on her neighbors.
(b) If she would recite a prayer at the church ceremony.
(c) If she would like another job with twice the pay.
(d) If she would be willing to write a poem for the president.

9. After Maya's disagreement with Guy regarding his girlfriend, she realizes that she must:
(a) Give him an ultimatum.
(b) Talk to the girlfriend.
(c) Give him space.
(d) Use reverse psychology.

10. How does Maya feel after helping to deliver a written protest to the first secretary of the embassy?
(a) Exhausted.
(b) Frightened.
(c) Victorious.
(d) Elated.

11. Why is Maya happy that a tribal leader mistook her national identity?
(a) She likes being mistaken for a native African.
(b) It shows her she's an adept actress.
(c) His error means she wins a bet with a colleague.
(d) Americans are regarded poorly in the region.

12. When the German couple tells Maya she can bring whomever she wants as a guest, who does Maya choose?
(a) A black Jew she sees sitting at the bar.
(b) One of her American friends from the play.
(c) Her dance coach.
(d) Her son Guy.

13. How does Maya correct one of Nana Nketsia's daughters?
(a) She gently corrects her English pronunciation.
(b) She asks the girl to refer to her by her last name, not her first.
(c) She gently corrects her usage of past and present tenses.
(d) She asks the girl to call her "Mrs." instead of "Lady."

14. At Dieter's house, everyone is embarrassed when Dieter's mother starts to:
(a) Sing patriotic songs.
(b) Yell loudly at Torvash.
(c) Flirt with Torvash.
(d) Snore loudly.

15. Who is Mamali?
(a) Efua's friend.
(b) Sheikhali's assistant.
(c) Guy's professor.
(d) Maya's mentor.

Short Answer Questions

1. After living in Ghana for a time, why does Maya feel she needs to take a vacation away from this nation?

2. What is Dunkwa?

3. By meeting and getting to know Malcolm X, Maya finds her own opinions:

4. What does Malcolm X say when asked why he came to Ghana?

5. In Accra, Malcolm X speaks of his falling out with:

(see the answer keys)

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