All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2 (pages 32-58).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Maya decides to help Kojo with what?
(a) Homework.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Social skills.
(d) Photo developing.

2. Why does Alice, Maya's friend, decide to move to Ghana?
(a) To find a husband.
(b) To fulfill a promise she made to her dying mother.
(c) To help endangered species.
(d) To work as a social worker.

3. Following Maya's reaction to the Senior Common Room discussion, what does the steward do?
(a) Apologizes to the Englishman.
(b) Reprimands her.
(c) Applauds her.
(d) Laughs out loud.

4. A big part of the reason that Maya is in Africa during this time period is to what?
(a) Make more money than she could in the United States.
(b) Locate her long-lost parents.
(c) Better understand the continent of her ancestry.
(d) Get ahead in life by learning new languages.

5. When Maya goes into the Senior Common Room during a break one morning, she hears a group of professors and others discussing what?
(a) The Vietnam War.
(b) Apartheid in South Africa.
(c) Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.
(d) The race between nations to reach the moon first.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Julian Mayfield?

2. Maya and her friends, Vicki and Alice, open up their home for whom?

3. Once she realizes that her son is going to be all right after what happens to him unexpectedly, Maya starts to:

4. After Maya explains to the Chicago stockyard worker and his wife that she and her friends are simply trying to prepare the couple for the realities of life in Ghana, what does the couple decide?

5. After Maya's friends Alice and Vicki tell the Chicago stockyard worker and his wife about life in Ghana, what does the man do?

(see the answer key)

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