Alas, Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alas, Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Bubba Offenhaus head of civil defense?
(a) he is an engineer
(b) he is ex-military
(c) he is ex-CIA
(d) he owns the only ambulances

2. What do Florence and Alice see Randy do after Lib leaves?
(a) sit on the porch
(b) go to bed
(c) climb a tree
(d) move slowly across their lawn

3. What are Randy's favorite times of the day?
(a) noon and dawn
(b) dusk and midnight
(c) early dawn and dusk
(d) midnight and noon

4. Why does Randy have to talk to Edgar?
(a) to pay off his mortgage
(b) to cash Mark's check
(c) to date his niece
(d) to withdraw money

5. What does Randy tell Edgar that Mark said about money?
(a) checks won't be worth anything soon
(b) that Randy had all of Mark's money
(c) invest in real estate
(d) money was going to get tight

6. What did the Russians launch at the beginning of the book?
(a) a research robot bound for Mars
(b) a space shuttle
(c) a Sputnik spy satellite
(d) nothing

7. What does Mark propose to General Hawker at five in the morning?
(a) the weapons be released
(b) they try to call the President
(c) they try to call Russia
(d) they send out the bombs

8. Why do Helen and Randy decide to go to Admiral Hazzard's house?
(a) to see if he is okay
(b) to see if he has any guns
(c) to see if he has any information
(d) to see if he wants to move in with them

9. What does Randy decide to tell Alice and Florence?
(a) that Graf will kill Sir Percy
(b) what Mark had said
(c) to mind their own business
(d) that he's engaged to Liz

10. Who calls Randy on the morning when the book begins?
(a) no one
(b) Mark
(c) Western Union
(d) Daisy

11. What does Mark worry the situation in the Middle East is?
(a) an excuse for war
(b) the President with a secret agenda
(c) a fabricated falsehood
(d) a stupid mistake

12. What does Alice say Randy is doing?
(a) watching Lib drive away
(b) meditating
(c) going to sleep
(d) stalking something

13. What does Admiral Hazzard think about Moscow?
(a) that the city is gone
(b) that it is half gone
(c) that our bombs missed it
(d) that it was hit by the Chinese

14. Where is Lavinia when Randy arrives at the McGoverns' house after the Day?
(a) on the lake
(b) in the garden
(c) sitting on the front porch
(d) medicated in bed

15. Where does the Secretary of State fly for conferences to try and avoid a war?
(a) Geneva
(b) London
(c) Russia
(d) New York

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Syrian tanks go near the beginning of the book?

2. What is a significant difference between war a few years ago and now?

3. Who is Edgar Quisenberry?

4. Why did Edgar dislike Randy's father?

5. What kind of books does Kitty Offenhaus tell Alice to remove from the library?

(see the answer keys)

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