The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Michelangelo and Granacci reckon Lodovico will not be harsh when he learns his son is going to de Medici?
(a) if Granacci is present
(b) if Michelangelo promises to give him his money
(c) if he hears the name de Medici
(d) if his step mother is in the room

2. What is the important commission from the Cardinal of San Dionigi that Michelangelo wants to bid on?
(a) a crucifixion
(b) a statue of David
(c) the last supper
(d) a pieta

3. How is Pietro Torrigiani described?
(a) a deformed genius
(b) a well-built, handsome young man
(c) a short, fat hanger on
(d) a plain and untalented boy

4. After one year, what is Michelangelo allowed to paint?
(a) still lifes
(b) practice canvases
(c) small portraits
(d) frescoes

5. What is Michelangelo's position in the home of Cardinal Riario?
(a) the Cardinals confidant
(b) one of the Cardinal's skilled workmen
(c) the apprentice architect
(d) the philosophy instructor

Short Answer Questions

1. At the palace de Medici, with whom does Michelangelo share quarters?

2. What does Giuliano da Sangallo do for Michelangelo?

3. As Michelangelo progresses, what does he learn about life?

4. Who is perfectly content to keep house and cook for Michelangelo?

5. What does Michelangelo discover his father believes about Lorenzo de Medici?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Michelangelo escape his father's house?

2. Describe how Michelangelo gets his start in art education.

3. Explain how Michelangelo finally gets to do some real artwork.

4. Explain the risk Michelangelo takes for his art.

5. Describe briefly the way friendship develops between Michelangelo and the contessina.

6. How does Torrigiani expose his envy of Michelangelo?

7. Describe Michelangelo's frustration in the Sculpture Garden.

8. Describe Michelangelo's problem in trying to convince his father to allow him to study in the Sculpture Garden.

9. Describe Michelangelo's strong opinions about art.

10. What is Michelangelo's dilemma while trying to learn from Bertoldo?

(see the answer keys)

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