The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does da Vinci align himself with the Borgias?
(a) to be on the winning side
(b) to hedge his bets
(c) to get back at Michelangelo
(d) to test some of his inventions

2. When the project for Leo X is canceled, how does Michelangelo feel?
(a) that the Church is a criminal organization
(b) that his life is over
(c) that his life and reputation are ruined
(d) that the de Medici family is still angry with him

3. How does Buonarroto's wife cause problems for Michelangelo?
(a) she tries to seduce Michelangelo
(b) she produces several children
(c) she demands fine gowns and jewels
(d) she becomes a spy for Pope Julius II

4. Who is gaining in popularity and importance in Rome to Michelangelo's advantage?
(a) Cardinal Riario
(b) Cardinal Giovanni de Medici
(c) Domenico Ghirlandaio
(d) Pietro Torrigiani

5. What does the Duke really want to punish Michelangelo for?
(a) for abandoning the project in favor of de Medici projects
(b) for taking so long to do the tomb
(c) for changing the design of the tomb
(d) for living in the Medicdi palace

6. What does Michelangelo realize his painting in the Sistine Chapel is supposed to do?
(a) make it look larger than it is
(b) to mask the problems created by others
(c) draw the eye away from the floor
(d) uplift the worshipers who will come there

7. What does Michelangelo accept that puts him in competition with da Vinci?
(a) an art exhibit in the palizzo
(b) a design for a new cathedral
(c) painting a wall next to his
(d) a sculpture of the Mona Lisa

8. What does the Wool Guild own that is of interest to Michelangelo?
(a) a scaffolding they do not use
(b) a large block of marble
(c) a studio for rent
(d) a contract for decorating a palace

9. What does Michelangelo's father accuse him of in letters from Florence?
(a) causing problems for his brothers
(b) spending a fortune on himself
(c) siding with the de Medicis.
(d) forgetting his family name

10. Why can Michelangelo not talk to Pope Julius II?
(a) there is a waiting list for months
(b) the Swiss guard will not let him pass
(c) the Pope is in Bologna
(d) he cannot gain an audience

11. With whom does the Marchesa appear to be affiliated?
(a) a group that believes the Church needs reforms
(b) a group of wealthy patrons of the arts
(c) the de Medici family
(d) the Royal Family of Spain

12. What would closing their shop in Florence cost Michelangelo's brothers?
(a) the break up of their families
(b) a full year's rent
(c) to lose their merchant standing within the community
(d) their places on the city council

13. Before the David statue can be placed, what happens?
(a) the Cardinal wants it
(b) the marble cracks
(c) vandals attack it
(d) it falls over

14. What does Michelangelo give his brothers Buonarroto and Giovansimone ?
(a) a place to stay in Rome
(b) an audience with Pope Leo X
(c) his house in Florence
(d) money to open their own shop

15. What distresses Michelangelo about many of his commissions?
(a) not getting enough of them
(b) not paying him what they are worth
(c) having to comply with other people's ideas
(d) having to finish too quickly

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to all the marbles Michelangelo collects for the St. Lorenzo church?

2. What saves Michelangelo from losing everything to the Duke of Urbino?

3. What is the reaction of the city when they first see the David in progress?

4. What is Michelangelo's problem for getting the Pietrasanta marble to Rome?

5. What new commission does the Pope give to Michelangelo?

(see the answer keys)

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