The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the death of Lorenzo de Medici, where does Michelangelo find himself?
(a) on the way to Portugal
(b) back sharing a bed with his brother
(c) working in the marble quarry
(d) back at the Tropolino house

2. What does Ghirlandaio want Michelangelo to do?
(a) see how little talent he has
(b) stop playing and go to work
(c) develop his own style in his own way
(d) learn how to copy him

3. What does Michelangelo's brother, Lionardo, believe his brother has become?
(a) corrupted by power and money
(b) overly educated in the arts
(c) subservient and docile
(d) absent minded and useless

4. To whom does the sculpture garden belong?
(a) Lodovico Buonarroti
(b) Lorenzo de Medici
(c) the Tropolinos
(d) Baldinelli

5. Instead of a commission, what does Cardinal Riario give Michelangelo?
(a) a little money
(b) expenses back to florence
(c) the marble
(d) a scholarship

6. What does Lodovico think sculptors are?
(a) contributors to society
(b) grand artists
(c) potentially wealthy men
(d) little more than being stonecutters

7. Who wants to bring down the papacy and return Italy to the simple, stark, religious ways of his own beliefs?
(a) Lodovico Buonarroti
(b) Lorenzo de Medici
(c) Leonardo da Vinci
(d) Savonarola

8. After a hard winter, where does Michelangelo's friend Granacci take him?
(a) to an art festival
(b) to a museum
(c) to Venice
(d) to a sculpture garden

9. Who comes to Rome and is able to help clean out Michelangelo's new quarters?
(a) his brother Buonarroto
(b) his brother Lionardo
(c) his friend Granacci
(d) his father Lodovico

10. Where is the Contessina sent as she nears marriageable age?
(a) to school in Milan
(b) to live with the Ridolfi
(c) to live in Rome
(d) to a convent

11. Because he likes Michelangelo's cupid so well, what does Jacopo Galli commission him to sculpt?
(a) a sculpture of Adonis
(b) a sculpture of Dyonisus
(c) a sculpture of a Bacchus
(d) a sculpture of Venus

12. What does Michelangelo have after his meeting with the Cardinal?
(a) a commission to carvea pieta
(b) a letter of introduction to the Pope
(c) a seven-foot block of marble and no money
(d) a new workshop to work in

13. What raw material does Michelangelo use to carve a crucifix?
(a) the hardest available Tuscan walnut
(b) a piece of discarded marble
(c) a large lump of solidified plaster
(d) sandstone taken from the quarry

14. As a second problem, what must Michelangelo have if he wants to study under Bertoldo?
(a) knowledge of the basics of sculpture
(b) ten thousand florins
(c) an invitation from Bertoldo or one of the de Medicis
(d) previous art recognition

15. Besides working on his commission, what does Michelangelo enjoy in Galli's home?
(a) freedom to find other commissions
(b) conversations with a learned man
(c) the finest food in Rome
(d) a good bed to sleep in

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michelangelo discover that he cannot do?

2. What is Michelangelo's conclusion about his looks after the broken nose?

3. Why does Michelangelo arrange for loans?

4. How does Michelangelo feel about painting frescoes?

5. Who comes and sees the sculpture Michelangelo did?

(see the answer keys)

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