Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says, "All right, all right, don't pull those long faces. Cheer up! I promise that from this moment on I won't poke fun at you anymore. The proceedings will be absolutely serious?"
(a) The Constable.
(b) The Maniac.
(c) The Superintendent.
(d) Sports Jacket.

2. Who says to the reporter that being ahead of time is "all important" for the police?
(a) The Superintendent.
(b) Bertozzo.
(c) The Constable.
(d) The Maniac.

3. What was different about the "real bomb" as opposed to the bomb in the room, according to Bertozzo?
(a) It was more complex.
(b) It was child's play.
(c) It was simpler.
(d) It was diffused.

4. What does the Maniac suggest the officer was actually holding in his hand?
(a) A galosh.
(b) A cowboy boot.
(c) A moccasin.
(d) A rollerblade.

5. What does the report say which disputes the statement that the officer grabbed the Anarchist as he fell?
(a) His tie was undone.
(b) He fell backwards.
(c) His glasses were broken.
(d) He was wearing both shoes.

6. When does the reporter have to turn in her article?
(a) In three days.
(b) Next week.
(c) In two days.
(d) This evening.

7. Who does the Maniac say decided to change the police motto in Rome?
(a) The Police Headquarters.
(b) The Pope.
(c) The President.
(d) Ministry of the Interior.

8. What kind of false hand does the Maniac take out to replace his once it falls off?
(a) A hook.
(b) A claw.
(c) A woman's.
(d) A hairy one.

9. Where does the phrase "headquarters had no head, 'cause the head man was in bed" come from, according to the Maniac?
(a) The Johnny Carson Show.
(b) A sit-com.
(c) A nursery rhyme.
(d) An old vaudeville routine.

10. How many dynamite attacks does the reporter say have taken place until today?
(a) 173.
(b) 200.
(c) 160.
(d) 100.

11. According to the Manic, why do innocent people invent crimes?
(a) To get laughing interrogations.
(b) To make fun of the police.
(c) To commit forgery.
(d) To wreck their lives.

12. What does the Maniac wear in disguise when meeting the reporter?
(a) A mask.
(b) A fake nose.
(c) An eye patch.
(d) A bunny hat.

13. What does the reporter remark upon when meeting Sports Jacket?
(a) His grip.
(b) His hair.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His skin.

14. What are the Maniac, the Superintendent, and Sports Jacket doing when Act 2 begins?
(a) Singing.
(b) Fleeing.
(c) Crying.
(d) Arguing.

15. Where does the Maniac reassure everyone he's from, while taking the box from Bertozzo?
(a) The Scientific Division
(b) The CIA.
(c) The Headquarters of Headquarters.
(d) The Vatican.

Short Answer Questions

1. When, according to the reporter, did the Anarchist jump precisely?

2. Who does the Maniac finally tell the reporter he really is?

3. Who says, in Act 2, "I swear to you, I know that guy. He's never been in the police; he's wearing a disguise"?

4. According to the reporter, "the report on the _____ of the fall seems to be missing from the judge's dossier."

5. What does the Maniac do to hide the fact that he's feeding the inspector lines in front of the reporter?

(see the answer keys)

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