Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what floor did the Anarchist jump?
(a) The second.
(b) The fourth.
(c) The Fifth.
(d) The third.

2. What does Bertozzo ask the Maniac if he's ever impersonated?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A dog.
(c) A judge.
(d) A child.

3. What is the file cabinet filled with that the Maniac examines in Act 1, Scene 1?
(a) Citations.
(b) Death certificates.
(c) Marriage licenses.
(d) Birth certificates.

4. What had the Anarchist been "seized by" leading to his death?
(a) A policeman.
(b) A raptus.
(c) A fever.
(d) A disease.

5. What does the Maniac make sounds of in the background while on the phone?
(a) Someone at the door.
(b) Laughter.
(c) Screaming.
(d) A siren.

6. What does the Maniac ask the Superintendent if he hadn't had as a kid?
(a) Bombs.
(b) Teddy bears.
(c) Model ships.
(d) Toy trains.

7. What does the Maniac insist that the Superintendent and the others did with the anarchist to cheer him up?
(a) Sang.
(b) Waltzed.
(c) Danced.
(d) Prayed.

8. Why does the Maniac say he hasn't removed his hat when speaking to Sports Jacket in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) He's keeping a microphone in his hat.
(b) He's got a large scar.
(c) He's allergic to wool.
(d) There's a draft.

9. What does the Maniac tell the Constable when he asks what's going on in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) A trial.
(b) A raptus.
(c) A circus.
(d) A murder.

10. What does the Maniac scream out while tearing up citations in the office?
(a) "Everybody free!"
(b) "You're all off to jail!"
(c) "Free me!"
(d) "Come and take me now!"

11. Who does the Maniac pretend to be while on the phone in Act 1, Scene 1?
(a) A nurse.
(b) Bertozzo's wife.
(c) Bertozzo's assistant.
(d) A judge.

12. Who does the Maniac demand be brought into the office with him and Sports Jacket in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) The Officer.
(b) The Judge.
(c) Bertozzo.
(d) The Superintendent.

13. What is the Maniac excited about that he's going to do after hanging up the phone?
(a) Impersonate Bertozzo.
(b) Find the Anarchist.
(c) Impersonate the judge.
(d) Free the prisoners.

14. What does the Maniac say that the superior council has?
(a) Thieves.
(b) Corrupt officers.
(c) Murderers.
(d) Informers.

15. How long does the Maniac profess to having studied Law?
(a) Nine years.
(b) Three months.
(c) Six years.
(d) Twenty years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who calls on the phone when the Maniac is alone in the room in Act 1, Scene 1?

2. What does the Maniac accuse the Inspector of being ignorant of?

3. Who asks, "But did you really have the proof?" in Act 1, Scene 2?

4. Who tells the judge, "No, we wanted to prove that the 'raptus' couldn't have been caused by our deceptions, by our false statements?"

5. What does the Maniac suggest to the Superintendent regarding Sports Jacket in Act 1, Scene 2?

(see the answer keys)

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