About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Will do when he sees the older kids going after Marcus in Chapter 16?
(a) He calls the police.
(b) He pretends not to see.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He chases them away.

2. How old is Ned?
(a) Four years old.
(b) Five years old.
(c) One year old.
(d) Two years old.

3. Where do Marcus and Fiona live?
(a) Bristol.
(b) London.
(c) Brighton.
(d) Liverpool.

4. Why does Marcus turn off the film in Chapter 11?
(a) The actors can't act.
(b) The main character attempts suicide repeatedly.
(c) The movie is boring and predictable.
(d) There are embarassing sex scenes.

5. Where should Fiona have been instead of at home in Chapter 7?
(a) At work.
(b) Picking Marcus up at school.
(c) Running errands.
(d) Enjoying the outdoors.

6. Instead of being able to cheer his mother up in Chapter 1, what is Marcus only able to do?
(a) Frustrate her.
(b) Distract her.
(c) Make her angry.
(d) Make her cry.

7. What does Will suggest of Marcus' intent with the duck in Chapter 9?
(a) He must not have seen it.
(b) He must have been trying to shoo it away.
(c) He must have been trying to kill the duck.
(d) He must have been trying to catch it.

8. What lie does Will tell the park keeper in Chapter 9?
(a) Will thew the object at the duck.
(b) the duck attack was a hit and run.
(c) Marcus was trying to keep Suzie's daughter from seeing the dead duck.
(d) The duck was attacking Will.

9. What is Will's last name?
(a) Franklin.
(b) Freeman.
(c) Farnsworth.
(d) Frederick.

10. What does SPAT stand for?
(a) Sandwiches, Pizza And Tacos.
(b) Science Psycology, Abstract Thinking
(c) Single Parents, Always Tired.
(d) Single Parents, Alone Together.

11. What does Will do when Fiona calls him again in Chapter 14?
(a) He tells her he is busy.
(b) He ignores the message.
(c) He arranges a date.
(d) He calls her back the following day.

12. After many visits from Marcus, what does Will stop doing?
(a) Cleaning up for him.
(b) Trying to block him at the door.
(c) Calling Fiona to pick him up.
(d) Making his food.

13. What is Will convinced of in Chapter 14?
(a) That Fiona is not his type.
(b) That Fiona is his soulmate.
(c) That Fiona is in love with him.
(d) That Fiona is crazy.

14. Why do the students ask Marcus not to hang out with them in Chapter 5?
(a) They already have too many friends.
(b) They are being teased because Marcus is around.
(c) He is mean to them.
(d) He has a strange odor.

15. What has Marcus hit a duck with at the SPAT picnic?
(a) His shoe.
(b) A ball.
(c) A bottle.
(d) Some bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Ned?

2. Where did Marcus live before his most recent move?

3. What is Will bored of in Chapter 12?

4. What kind of film do Marcus and his mother begin to watch in Chapter 11?

5. Who does Marcus interrupt at the end of Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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