About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Suzie and Marcus discover when they walk inside Marcus' home in Chapter 9?
(a) Fiona is drunk.
(b) Fiona has overdosed on pills.
(c) Fiona is sleeping.
(d) Fiona is entertaining a gentleman.

2. What lie does Will tell the park keeper in Chapter 9?
(a) Will thew the object at the duck.
(b) The duck was attacking Will.
(c) the duck attack was a hit and run.
(d) Marcus was trying to keep Suzie's daughter from seeing the dead duck.

3. What does Marcus try to force Will and Fiona to do over lunch in Chapter 13?
(a) Converse.
(b) Flirt.
(c) Argue.
(d) Discuss their futures.

4. Who does Marcus interrupt at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) Nick and Suzie.
(b) Fiona and her boyfriend.
(c) Will and Fiona.
(d) Will and Suzie.

5. What does Will ask Suzie in Chapter 12?
(a) If it would be appropriate to take Marcus out for an afternoon.
(b) If she needs him to babysit.
(c) If she would go out with him.
(d) If Marcus is adopted.

6. Why does Marcus come to this conclusion about his family in Chapter 11?
(a) Because he and his mother have never been closer.
(b) So he would not be alone if his mother died.
(c) Because the needs of each member often fall to the wayside.
(d) He and his mother are drifting apart.

7. What does Marcus find at his house in Chapter 11?
(a) A letter from Will.
(b) A dead rat.
(c) A gift for him from his father.
(d) His mother's suicide note.

8. What does SPAT stand for?
(a) Single Parents, Alone Together.
(b) Single Parents, Always Tired.
(c) Science Psycology, Abstract Thinking
(d) Sandwiches, Pizza And Tacos.

9. What does Will suggest of Marcus' intent with the duck in Chapter 9?
(a) He must have been trying to shoo it away.
(b) He must have been trying to kill the duck.
(c) He must have been trying to catch it.
(d) He must not have seen it.

10. Why does Marcus turn off the film in Chapter 11?
(a) The actors can't act.
(b) There are embarassing sex scenes.
(c) The movie is boring and predictable.
(d) The main character attempts suicide repeatedly.

11. Instead of being able to cheer his mother up in Chapter 1, what is Marcus only able to do?
(a) Make her angry.
(b) Make her cry.
(c) Distract her.
(d) Frustrate her.

12. What is Marcus frightened by in Chapter 5?
(a) His mother started crying at breakfast.
(b) A spider.
(c) A bully lurking outside his house.
(d) Showing his mother his grades.

13. What does Fiona insist on at the end of Chapter 11?
(a) Having a drink.
(b) Finishing the film.
(c) Praying as a family.
(d) Singing.

14. Who does Will find sullen and difficult to get along with in Chapter 8?
(a) Marcus.
(b) Peter.
(c) Fiona.
(d) Nick.

15. Where does Marcus want Will to take him and Fiona in Chapter 13?
(a) To buy new clothes.
(b) To the zoo.
(c) The Olive Garden.
(d) Planet Hollywood.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Marcus run into bullies in Chapter 7?

2. Where does Will meet the woman he dates in Chapter 4?

3. How does Marcus try to avoid bullies in Chapter 3?

4. Where did Marcus live before his most recent move?

5. What does Will dislike?

(see the answer keys)

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