A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Daniel Voll have installed in the house?
(a) An elevator.
(b) Video monitors.
(c) Ramps.
(d) Grab bars.

2. How long after biofeedback and hypnosis was Price pain-free?
(a) Eight weeks.
(b) A year.
(c) Eight visits.
(d) Eight months.

3. What was the 'new demon' Price encountered after surgery?
(a) Withdrawal from a drug.
(b) Side effects of a drug.
(c) Phantom pains.
(d) Disorientation from his drugs.

4. What did Reynolds Price do upon returning from his trip with Daniel Voll?
(a) Write another play.
(b) Retreat into bed.
(c) Submit a proposal for a new book.
(d) Rewrite the play.

5. How does Price characterize the pain he felt by the end of the semester?
(a) Oppressive.
(b) Overpowering.
(c) Humbling.
(d) Beyond description.

6. What did two new MRIs indicate about Price's tumor?
(a) It was starting to grow again.
(b) It had not returned.
(c) It was completely gone.
(d) It had spread.

7. What does Price say made physical therapy bearable?
(a) The drugs he took for pain.
(b) The physical progress.
(c) The process of learning new skills.
(d) The other patients.

8. What was different about Daniel Voll's visit, when he returned to see Price?
(a) Price was more in control of his pain.
(b) Price was more grateful for what Dan had experienced with him.
(c) Price was more remote on account of his pain.
(d) Price was resentful to think of the conditions Dan had seen him in.

9. What does Price say his outlook was, at the end of chapter 6?
(a) He was determined to kill himself before he lived with his pains again.
(b) He dreaded another round of pain and surgery.
(c) He knew he could live with whatever came.
(d) He was afraid of dying.

10. What does Price say was the critical reaction to Kate Vaiden?
(a) The book was ignored.
(b) Harsh reviews.
(c) Positive reviews.
(d) Mixed reviews and critical disinterest.

11. For how long does Price say he was addicted to his pain medication?
(a) Two years.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Two months.
(d) Six months.

12. What was Dan's role in maintaining Price's balance of mind?
(a) Talking him down from the proverbial ledge.
(b) Chastizing his self-pity.
(c) Encouraging him to remain faithful.
(d) Nourishing his spirit with food, music and literature.

13. How did Reynolds Price injure himself?
(a) He cut himself.
(b) He toppled over in his wheelchair.
(c) He fell in the bathroom.
(d) He hit his head.

14. What does Price say Daniel Voll would do 'happily' for him and his visitors?
(a) Shopping and errands.
(b) Cook.
(c) Read and edit works.
(d) Leave them in peace.

15. What was the result of the surgery Price had in the fall?
(a) The tumor was removed.
(b) The surgeon nicked his spinal cord.
(c) The tumor was left alone.
(d) Complications from the anesthesia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Dan establish himself?

2. What did Dan convince Price to do?

3. What does Price say Diana Betz came to see him for?

4. What did Dr. Friedman give Price when the pains returned?

5. How does Price characterize his relationship with his students?

(see the answer keys)

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