A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Caputo go after being shown his sleeping quarters?
(a) To battalion HQ for a briefing.
(b) Back up the hill to retrieve his belongings.
(c) To the officers mess to get something to eat.
(d) Back to Danang for a 2-day liberty.

2. What do Caputo and his platoon have in common?
(a) They all think they made a big mistake by enlisting.
(b) They are all homesick and want to go back home.
(c) They all have the same tattoos.
(d) They all have the desire to stop sitting around and get to the business of war.

3. How does Gonzales become the first casualty of Caputo's platoon?
(a) He comes down with malaria and dies.
(b) He is hit by a sniper when he gets out of his foxhole.
(c) He is laying wire where there are mines that had not been removed.
(d) Walking across the airstrip, he is hit by a helicopter.

4. What does Caputo say about the VC guerrillas being everywhere?
(a) The VC know all the secrets of the jungles and tall grasses.
(b) It is another way of saying nowhere.
(c) They have to suppose that any Vietnamese is a VC.
(d) The Americans are always outnumbered.

5. What occurs as Caputo walks through the elephant grass in the jungle?
(a) He comes face to face with a viet Cong.
(b) He steps on a land mine that fortunately does not detonate.
(c) He is almost shot by Lance Corporal Skates.
(d) He walks up on an Asian elephant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What change does Caputo notice in his men back at their position on the hill?

2. What position does Battalion Headquarters take on identifying a Viet Cong?

3. What are the two problems Caputo says are the worst while they guard the landing field?

4. How do they get from Okinawa to Vietnam?

5. Why are the Medivac helicopters unable to land to pick up casualties?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Caputo mention perception and locale when talking about troop size?

2. Early on the morning of his first assignment to go into combat, what fantasy goes through Caputo's head?

3. Describe the platoon sergeant, William Campbell.

4. What is the first month like after the battalion reaches Vietnam?

5. What is the news that makes Caputo sorry he is not there instead of being in Okinawa?

6. Explain why Caputo says that at age twenty-four he is more prepared for death than he is for life.

7. Why do the men continually have to be reminded to keep five paces between them and the next man?

8. Describe the French Fort overlooking the paddies west of Hill 327.

9. What is the sound of 155mm artillery firing?

10. Sitting in the outpost ahead of C Company, what does Caputo have difficulty remembering?

(see the answer keys)

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