A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Caputo speculate about in regard to mines remaining in an area where the RPs are supposed to have cleared them?
(a) Either they are lazy or Viet Cong who had inflitrated them, leave the mines in place.
(b) There are just too many to find all of them.
(c) The RFs often clear the wrong field because of communication problems.
(d) The RFs lack the necessary equipment to do the job right.

2. What place do they pass through on the fourth day?
(a) The small camp where they found the documents
(b) They pass through the LZ which has been destroyed
(c) Giao-Tri, the village they had destroyed
(d) They have to recross the muddy river

3. What event does Caputo recall that further dims the idea of glamor in war?
(a) An outbreak of malaria
(b) A visit to the field hospital
(c) Watching one of his men shot and killed by a sniper
(d) The crash of a Marine helicopter

4. How many men are on a helicopter team?
(a) Ten
(b) Four
(c) Eight
(d) Six

5. What mistake does 2d Lt. Caputo make on a training exercise that gets him a reprimand?
(a) He changes a captain's orders.
(b) He lights up a cigarette.
(c) He takes a nap while waiting for orders.
(d) He orders a retreat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first offensive mission?

2. What lesson does Caputo learn that contradicts what he learned at Quantico?

3. When does Caputo say is the only bearable time of day in Vietnam?

4. What happens when Caputo drinks with some Australian soldiers?

5. What is the change that takes place at Hill 327?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is it like going back toward Charlie Ridge?

2. What happens to the machine-gunner named Parker as they wait for a convoy?

3. What does Caputo recall when the helicopter he is in draws ground fire?

4. What is the news that makes Caputo sorry he is not there instead of being in Okinawa?

5. How do Caputo and his 40-odd men get transported to the war zone?

6. What does the hospital corpsman tell Parker about his friend, Esposito?

7. What mistake happens when they fire a three-point-five at the sniper who got Sullivan?

8. How does Caputo describe the way a soldier fighting in the jungle should act?

9. Describe the Annamese Cordillera.

10. Describe the Communist stronghold that Caputo first sees in Vietnam.

(see the answer keys)

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