A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does boredom get replaced with terror on the outpost hill?
(a) Rock apes descend on the outpost.
(b) The fighting begins to move up the hill.
(c) Enemy fighters fly overhead.
(d) A VC almost infiltrates the outpost.

2. What is the aim of Caputo's first entry into combat?
(a) Scare the Viet Cong into retreat.
(b) Set up an outpost.
(c) Look for snipers and take them out.
(d) Find a battalion and destroy it.

3. What is the result for half of the men after they return from Cinderella Liberty?
(a) Denial of any further liberty
(b) Bad cases of alcohol poisoning from cheap whiskey
(c) Dysentary for three days
(d) Monster hangovers and Venereal Disease

4. When the Vietnamese children try to sell bottles of Coke, why do the men refuse them?
(a) In that weather the Cokes are all spoiled.
(b) Coke is a weapon often laced with poison or ground glass.
(c) They do not want to deprive the children.
(d) They have no time to drink a Coke.

5. How does Caputo see future life in the military?
(a) As an occasion for excitement and danger
(b) As good training for surviving natural disasters
(c) As financial security for the rest of his life
(d) As an easy way to make money

Short Answer Questions

1. What reality soon sets in for Caputo?

2. Where are most of the men when the orders come to deploy to Vietnam?

3. What names does Caputo recall from his platoon?

4. What famous speech inspires Caputo to join the military?

5. How does Caputo explain Peterson's walking away and not looking at Sullivan after he is shot?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do they find when they rush a base camp near the LZ?

2. Describe the French Fort overlooking the paddies west of Hill 327.

3. What is the advantage on Hill 268 where Caputo's company is poistioned?

4. Explain what Caputo says is the worst thing about hiking in the jungle.

5. What is the new warfare of the New Frontier?

6. How do Caputo and his 40-odd men get transported to the war zone?

7. Why does the C-130 make a sudden steep assault-dive on the way to the war zone?

8. What is it like for Caputo as they march back through Giao-Tri?

9. What is the sound of 155mm artillery firing?

10. What really causes the aloofness to Caputo at the base camp?

(see the answer keys)

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