A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much of the base does Caputo say has escaped the damage?
(a) Only the perimeters
(b) Only a little
(c) Most of it
(d) About half

2. What is the stated purpose of leaving VC bodies behind the Colonel's tent?
(a) To show the clerks what war looks like.
(b) To remind everyone why they are here.
(c) To flush out a VC infiltrator by scaring him.
(d) To give the Colonel a photo opportunity.

3. What is the name of the operation C Company is waiting to begin?
(a) Operation Ha Na
(b) Operation Skyhawk
(c) Operation Mountain Storm
(d) Operation Long Lance

4. What happens to a large number of the platoon down in a paddy?
(a) A homemade Claymore is tripped and there are nine casualties.
(b) They step into a quicksand bog.
(c) They get bogged down in the mud and have to fire from there.
(d) They take a wrong turn and get lost in some elephant grass.

5. What warning does Caputo receive after the destruction at Ha Na?
(a) He will be relieved of command if anything like this happens again.
(b) He is risking his men when he lets them turn savage like that.
(c) He will have to stay on the front line if he cannot control his platoon.
(d) He may be facing a serious reprimand if it happens again.

6. What is a consistent reminder of the casualties of war.
(a) The faces one misses in the mess hall
(b) The number of body bags brought in each week
(c) Announcements made over the PA system daily
(d) The Medivac helicopters flying back and forth in the dripping sky

7. In reality, how much time per day does the adjutant work require?
(a) Two hours in the mornings
(b) Six to eight hours per day
(c) Three or four hours
(d) At least ten hours a day

8. Where does Caputo notice the VC has cut the chain link fence to infiltrate the airfield?
(a) Near the mess hall which was vacant at night.
(b) Right behind the colonel's office tent.
(c) On the back side near the planes.
(d) At the place his platoon had guarded when they first came to Danang airfield.

9. From the ridge where they are located, why can the platoon not fire mortars at the VC?
(a) The men with mortars were all KIA.
(b) The mortars are frozen up.
(c) They cannot fire off of a slope.
(d) They are out of range.

10. What does Chaplain Ryerson call twelve KIAs?
(a) Twelve grieving families in America
(b) A dozen letters he has to write
(c) A dozen more prayers
(d) Twleve lost souls

11. What is the joke Sgt. Hamilton says outside the adjutant's tent?
(a) Charlie finally learned how to find the fuse.
(b) Someone should tell Charlie it is three days until the Fourth of July.
(c) How do I get out of this chicken shit organization?
(d) I think it's time to get out of the kitchen.

12. During the summer, how is life for the Vietnamese peasants?
(a) It is filled with apprehension about the VC.
(b) It is busy transplanting people to another area of the country.
(c) It is dead with no one working in the paddies.
(d) It is life as usual, working in the rice paddies.

13. Why is an artillery attack denied when a patrol advancing to the base is spotted?
(a) The higher commanders do not believe the report.
(b) New artillery ammunitions has not arrived.
(c) No one has the exact coordinates.
(d) A Marine patrol is lost out in the same area.

14. Why is there a great deal of physical work to be done as the monsoon season begins?
(a) New tents and buildings have to be erected.
(b) Flood drain ditches have to be dug.
(c) The Regimental HQ is moved near the Dai-La pass.
(d) The airfield is flooded and has to be elevated.

15. What does GSW stand for?
(a) Gold standard weapons
(b) Good strong workers
(c) Gone south for the winter
(d) Gunshot wound

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens during Caputo's first night as assistant adjutant?

2. What begins happening at night at the Danang base?

3. What are the new Marines of 1st Battalion like when they first arrive?

4. Why does Caputo lose radio contact with one of his operators?

5. After Caputo's dream, what vision does he have in the daylight?

(see the answer keys)

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