A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the Pinkerton agents with whom Catherine meets?
(a) Malloy and Fewsmith.
(b) Morton and Fisk.
(c) Malloy and Fisk.
(d) Mallory and Fenton.

2. Ralph's mother could best be described as ________________________.
(a) Patient and kind.
(b) Religiously domineering.
(c) Docile and shy.
(d) Insane and frantic.

3. Where does the carriage end up as Catherine tries to rein in the horses?
(a) A frozen river.
(b) The ditch.
(c) The next town.
(d) The woods.

4. What does Catherine constantly imagine herself doing?
(a) Smoking.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Skiing.
(d) Swimming.

5. Mrs. Larsen tells Catherine that if Catherine hurts Ralph, ______________________.
(a) He will kill himself.
(b) He will go mad.
(c) He will kill her.
(d) Mrs. Larsen will hurt her.

6. Catherine says that she learned how to stitch wounds by __________________________.
(a) Trial and error.
(b) Going to medical school.
(c) Learning from her mother.
(d) Watching her physician father.

7. What is the hotel where Catherine stays in St. Louis?
(a) Planter's Hotel.
(b) Riverboat Queen.
(c) The Embassy.
(d) The James Hotel.

8. What happens to Catherine in the carriage accident?
(a) Her hat is blown away.
(b) She breaks a leg.
(c) The hem of her dress is torn.
(d) She sprains an ankle.

9. What is Antonio doing in the city in #63?
(a) Modeling in an art studio.
(b) Teaching school.
(c) Attending law school.
(d) Playing piano in a whorehouse.

10. What did Ralph's mother do to show him how much hell can hurt?
(a) Refused to feed him for two days.
(b) Made him stand shoeless in the snow for an hour.
(c) Stuck a needle through his hand.
(d) Burned him with a candle.

11. What does Catherine notice as she and Ralph drive toward his house?
(a) The children playing.
(b) The destruction.
(c) The beautiful trees.
(d) The isolation.

12. Who was Emilia's second child?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Juan.
(c) Raphael.
(d) Ricardo.

13. What did Ralph tell Antonio about his mother?
(a) She moved back to Italy.
(b) She broke her neck in a fall.
(c) She drowned.
(d) She died in a fire.

14. In what year does the novel begin?
(a) 1899.
(b) 1907.
(c) 1918.
(d) 1865.

15. Which of the following does Catherine NOT recall as she waits for Ralph to get better?
(a) Traveling.
(b) Past lovers.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Drugs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Ralph do after college?

2. Where did Ralph go away to college?

3. What are Ralph's new plans for Catherine?

4. Ralph is aware that his relationship with Catherine is beginning with __________________.

5. What does Catherine do as she rides in the train on the way to her destination?

(see the answer keys)

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