A Personal Matter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Personal Matter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what is Bird convinced as he walks through the hospital?
(a) His wife will divorce him.
(b) His wife will not want any more children.
(c) His father-in-law will pay for surgery.
(d) His son is dead.

2. Why does Bird need to call his mother-in-law?
(a) To ask her to dinner.
(b) To borrow her car.
(c) To check on the baby's birth.
(d) To borrow some money

3. What does Bird do when he realizes that Himiko has gone?
(a) Watches TV.
(b) Goes back to the hospital.
(c) Goes home.
(d) Goes back to sleep.

4. What does Bird note about the hospital's Director?
(a) He giggles.
(b) He is deaf.
(c) He stutters.
(d) He is sullen.

5. How old is Bird?
(a) 25.
(b) 31.
(c) 29.
(d) 18.

Short Answer Questions

1. Himiko suggests that in another universe, Bird's baby will live to his __________________.

2. Hamiko gives Bird advice on ____________________.

3. What condition does the new baby have?

4. Surgery will be performed on Bird's baby to ______________________.

5. What makes Bird happy for a few moments as he leaves the school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bird learn about the child's birth when he calls his mother-in-law?

2. Where does Bird go after leaving his father-in-law's office?

3. What is ironic about Bird's using sex to avoid responsibility?

4. What is Bird doing at the beginning of A PERSONAL MATTER? What is going on with Bird's wife and how does Bird think his life will soon change?

5. How is sex and sexuality a means for Bird to avoid responsibility?

6. What does Bird observe when he visits his father-in-law at the university?

7. What is the significance of Himiko's character in the story?

8. What is the significance of the students in Bird's class and what do they represent after his in-class vomiting incident?

9. In what ways could the women at the maternity hospital be symbolized as angels?

10. What does Bird notice about the women watching from the windows of the maternity hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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