A Personal Matter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Personal Matter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The professor thinks that Bird's __________________ no longer fits him.
(a) shoes.
(b) hat.
(c) nickname.
(d) shirt.

2. Bird has plans to _____________________.
(a) visit America.
(b) divorce his wife.
(c) get his Master's degree.
(d) become a tourist guide.

3. What was the adventure that Bird recalls having with the person in #164?
(a) A hike across the country.
(b) A search for a missing man.
(c) A hot air balloon ride.
(d) A trip to Africa.

4. What does Himiko run into a store to purchase for the baby?
(a) Formula.
(b) Diapers.
(c) A pacifier.
(d) Bottles.

5. What does Himiko want to do after the baby dies?
(a) Go to Africa with Bird.
(b) Travel to America.
(c) Move to a different house.
(d) Go back to school.

6. What does the baby do as Bird watches?
(a) Bleeds from his nose.
(b) Cries incessantly.
(c) Sneezes.
(d) Scratches behind his ears.

7. Which of the following is NOT one of Bird's African treasures he has at Himiko's apartment?
(a) Maps.
(b) Poster.
(c) Book.
(d) Coins.

8. Where did Himiko's husband die?
(a) In an attic.
(b) On a beach.
(c) In the room where she and Bird sleep.
(d) In a hospital.

9. When Bird arrives at school, he learns that he has a meeting with _________________ after class.
(a) a parent.
(b) the English Department.
(c) the Board of Education.
(d) the Principal.

10. What is Himiko's response when Bird tells her he thinks the baby is dead?
(a) Bird was wrong to let the baby die.
(b) She is very sad for the little baby.
(c) Bird and his wife can have another baby.
(d) Now Bird can get a good night's sleep.

11. What does Bird's wife accuse him of doing?
(a) Abandoning the baby.
(b) Not loving her.
(c) Having an affair.
(d) Drinking too much.

12. What word does Delchef write in the book in #141?
(a) War.
(b) Love.
(c) Africa.
(d) Hope.

13. Bird confesses that he views the vagina and womb as __________________.
(a) a battlefield.
(b) a nest.
(c) a cloud.
(d) a cave.

14. The women in the maternity hospital think that Bird ________________________.
(a) seems very immature.
(b) has left his baby at the other hospital to die.
(c) is not a very good provider.
(d) is a very considerate husband.

15. After talking to the person in #164, Bird realizes that he _______________________.
(a) has nothing to make his life worthy.
(b) wants to move to America.
(c) is in love with Himiko.
(d) should have a better-paying job by now.

Short Answer Questions

1. Himiko tells Bird that __________________ has resumed nuclear testing.

2. Himiko reminds Bird of _________________________.

3. Where does Himiko drive Bird after leaving his apartment?

4. What does Bird's wife recall hearing as she was giving birth?

5. Bird remains awake all night imagining that _____________________.

(see the answer keys)

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