A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following was NOT suggested by Michelle as a gift that could be used to help teach children to minister to others?
(a) Homemade cookies.
(b) Homemade bread.
(c) Homemade soap.
(d) Homemade muffins.

2. Which of the following did the Duggars say was their primary goal for writing the book?
(a) To encourage the reader to limit the number of children they have.
(b) To encourage the reader to recognize God's blessings.
(c) To encourage the reader to attend church regularly.
(d) To encourage the reader to have as many children as possible.

3. What was the name of the hospital where Michelle gave birth to Josie?
(a) UAMS.
(b) Arkansas Children's Hospital.
(c) St. John's.
(d) Baptist Medical Center.

4. What did the young woman who visited the Duggars steal from Jinger?
(a) A lock of hair.
(b) A packet of letters.
(c) Money.
(d) A diary.

5. What was the problem the Duggars face that was depicted by the Japanese film crew for their game show?
(a) They sometimes argue over budgeting.
(b) They run out of hot water.
(c) There is often a line for the family's three bathrooms.
(d) Michelle has trouble making time for each child.

6. What did Jim Bob say was the inevitable response when one stands up for what's right?
(a) Becoming labeled a liberal.
(b) Becoming open to criticism.
(c) Becoming labeled an extremist.
(d) Becoming the target of the media.

7. What was the purpose of the trip planned for the following week?
(a) The children were shooting a series of commercials.
(b) The children were performing for a new church.
(c) The children were going on vacation.
(d) It was a mission trip.

8. What was the song Michelle sang so often to Josie while she was in the neonatal intensive care unit?:
(a) The Blessing Song.
(b) A song she made up called the Josie Song.
(c) Jesus Loves Me.
(d) Rock-a-bye Baby.

9. What was the final diagnosis of Josie's struggle with regard to eating?
(a) Her small intestine had shifted.
(b) She wasn't getting enough nutrients.
(c) She was allergic to vitamin D.
(d) She was lactose intolerant.

10. What was wrong with Jordyn at the same time Michelle was in the hospital with Josie?
(a) Chicken pox.
(b) An ear infection.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) A broken arm.

11. Why did Jim Bob return to Springdale with some of the kids soon after Josie's release from the hospital?
(a) To allow the kids to do homeschool testing.
(b) The doctors didn't want too many people near Josie.
(c) To take care of a real estate sale.
(d) To deal with a film crew that was scheduled.

12. What group put together a billboard campaign that used the Duggars' name?
(a) The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
(b) People for a Controlled Population.
(c) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
(d) The Alcohol Beverage Control Board.

13. What did Jed tell Michelle when he talked to her on the phone from his trip?
(a) That he might want to be a missionary.
(b) That he wants to come home.
(c) That he wants Michelle to come home.
(d) That he misses her.

14. Why weren't the Duggars allowed to hold Josie at first?
(a) They had to be trained on how to hold her.
(b) There was a constant fear of infection.
(c) Her skin wasn't developed so touching was painful.
(d) There were too many wires and machines.

15. Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons Michelle said having the children perform at a nursing home was a good idea?
(a) The children learn to perform in front of others.
(b) The elderly patrons are blessed.
(c) The children see they are showing love for the elderly.
(d) The elderly have a chance to see the entire Duggar family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Michelle see in the helicopter that made her realize the transfer to another hospital could go terribly wrong?

2. What was the name of the newspaper that ran the photo of the Duggar children following their parents in to vote?

3. What did Jim Bob do to make a living?

4. How did the Duggars dress when they are at home?

5. What does Michelle believe was the cause of her sleepless night after her double date on December 3?

(see the answer keys)

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