A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Toph begin in this chapter?
(a) Senior high
(b) Junior high
(c) Grade school
(d) College

2. Where do Sari and Dave go?
(a) Dave's house
(b) A restaurant
(c) Sari's hotel
(d) A cafe

3. What TV show does Dave try to get onto in this chapter?
(a) The Real World
(b) The Fallen World
(c) Wheel of Fortune
(d) Jeopardy

4. How does visiting Dave's childhood home make him feel?
(a) Happy
(b) Lost
(c) Nostalgic
(d) Ill

5. What city does Dave return to in this chapter?
(a) Washington
(b) Berkeley
(c) Chicago
(d) New York

6. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?
(a) They live next door to loud students
(b) It is in a rough neighborhood
(c) The walls are too thin
(d) They have to share a bathroom

7. What kind of flag did a boy have up in his window in Dave's neighborhood?
(a) A French flag
(b) A Confederate flag
(c) An EU flag
(d) A Union Jack

8. Why does Puck annoy everyone?
(a) He cries a lot
(b) He complains too much
(c) He does not talk enough
(d) He talks too much

9. What does Toph do for the first time at a party?
(a) Hoops
(b) Knife chucking
(c) Pin the tail on the donkey
(d) Spin the bottle

10. Who has Dave finally broken up with in this chapter?
(a) Meredith
(b) Beth
(c) Kirsten
(d) Janice

11. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?
(a) Toph
(b) The photographer's boyfriend
(c) The photographer's family
(d) The photographer

12. Who do the editors of Might decide to create awards for?
(a) People on the street
(b) Made up celebrities
(c) Dead celebrites
(d) Blue collar workers

13. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?
(a) To get women
(b) To advertise the magazine
(c) To give Toph a foot into stardom
(d) To tell the world his problems

14. Who takes Dave to the hospital?
(a) Shalini
(b) Kirsten
(c) Beth
(d) Toph

15. What problem do the doctors say Dave has?
(a) Stress
(b) Cancer
(c) Migraine
(d) Kidney stone

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?

2. What show wants to hire one of the magazine's made up celebrities?

3. What woman comes to town in this chapter?

4. What does Toph make in this chapter?

5. Who calls Dave about John?

(see the answer keys)

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