A Crown of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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A Crown of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Cadsuane?

2. What are Elayne and Nynaeve doing at the opening to Chapter 13?

3. Where is Egwene in Chapter 8?

4. Where is Colavaere sent?

5. What has Faile done regarding Colavaere?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are meeting at Carridin's home?

2. Who is Cadsuane? What does she say to Rand and what is his response?

3. What message does Mat write to Elayne and Nynaeve and what does he notice about the ring with which he seals the message?

4. Describe the conversation between Cadsuane and several Aes Sedai who accompany Rand.

5. What does Perrin hear Rand doing after the battle and what is Perrin's response?

6. Why does Myrelle bond Lan as a warder and what is Egwene's response?

7. What is Faile upset with Perrin and what does Perrin say to calm her?

8. What does Rand ask of Perrin and what does Perrin say to Rand about the prisoner Aes Sedai?

9. Describe Sevanna's interaction with "Caddar."

10. Describe how Mat meets Beslan.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

"A Crown of Swords" is one book in a series of novels involving the Dragon Reborn. Discuss the following.

1. What are some advantages of writing a series of novels about the same characters? Use examples.

2. What are some disadvantages of writing a series of novels about the same characters? Use examples.

3. Do you prefer to read a standalone book, or a series of books with the same main characters? Explain your response.

4. Do you think it is easier, more difficult, or about the same to write a standalone book versus one in a series? Explain your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following:

1. Define irony in literary terms. Discuss the irony of the situation that the Seanchan who leash and control the damane (women who can channel) can actually channel also. What other irony can you find in "A Crown of Swords"? Do you think irony enhances the book? Why?

2. Define symbolism in literary terms. Discuss the use and meaning of five symbols you choose to analyze from "A Crown of Swords". What do they symbolize? Is the symbolism obvious? Effective? Does the symbolism contribute to the enjoyment of reading?

3. Discuss five literary devices that occur in "A Crown of Swords" and how they are used. Are they effective? Do they add or detract from the reading of the book? Why? Some possible devices: Allusion, connotation, denouement, dialogue, flashback, figurative language, motif, metaphor, narrator, point of view, simile, mood, and puns.

Essay Topic 3

Though it is not a part of "A Crown of Swords", the readers are given enough information to learn that Rand al'Thor was, up until a short time ago, a shepherd in a small village in Two Rivers. Discuss the following:

1. How do you think Rand has changed from who he was before Moiraine comes to his village to the Rand he is in "A Crown of Swords"?

2. Why do you think Jordan chooses a young, unknown man to be the hero of the series?

3. How would the book have been different if Rand had been a prince?

4. How would the book have been different if the Dragon Reborn had been a female?

(see the answer keys)

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