A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who attacks Mat and his group while they are out?
(a) Soldiers.
(b) Beggars.
(c) Sea Folk.
(d) Golems.

2. Who surround Rand, Caraline, Min, and Darlin?
(a) Aes Sedai.
(b) Myrddraal.
(c) Dark Hounds.
(d) Aiel.

3. What does Elaida ask of Seaine?
(a) To infiltrate the Seanchan.
(b) To go and infiltrate Salidar.
(c) To kill Alviarin.
(d) To search for members of the Black Ajah.

4. What happens when Mat agrees to Nynaeve and Elayne's request?
(a) The fox medallion turns scorching hot.
(b) The dice in his head stop.
(c) The fox medallion turns frigid.
(d) The dice in his head rattle louder.

5. What saves Birgitte when she was dying?
(a) Being bonded as warder to Elayne.
(b) Rand using Callandor.
(c) She was not dying.
(d) Nynaeve using a complex healing weave.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do some strange soldiers take Morgase?

2. How does Beslan shock Mat?

3. What does Min explain to Cadsuane?

4. What does Mat protest?

5. How long does Reanne give Nynaeve and Elayne to get out of the city?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Elayne and Nynaeve convince Mat to do and what happens when he agrees?

2. What do Mat, Elayne, and Nynaeve argue about as they go to retrieve the Bowl of the Winds?

3. What does Beslan say to Mat about Beslan's mother, Tylin, and how does Mat feel about what Beslan says?

4. What does Birgitte say to Mat when he asks how she got there?

5. Describe the first encounter between Mat and Tylin when Mat moves to the Palace.

6. What does Perrin decide to do after his argument with Rand?

7. Whom does Mat find in his room and whom does he realize the person is?

8. What happens to Rand during the fighting, though at first it seems insignificant?

9. Describe the interaction between Rand and Caraline Damodred and Darlin Sisnera.

10. What is one way Tylin forces Mat to accede to her will?

(see the answer keys)

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