A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Nynaeve angry after hearing about the warder?
(a) She thinks Myrelle oversteps her boundaries.
(b) She loves Lan and wanted him to be her warder.
(c) She thinks Moiraine was cruel to Lan.
(d) She is not angry; just happy.

2. Who is the dancer who performs for Morgase?
(a) Morgase's daughter.
(b) The ruler of a kingdom Suroth has conquered.
(c) An Aes Sedai.
(d) Morgase's cousin.

3. What are Moghedien's intentions when she comes to Ebou Dar?
(a) To kill Nynaeve.
(b) To make Falion and Ispan crawl.
(c) To find the Bowl of Winds.
(d) To kill Elayne.

4. What did Mat do in the past that makes Birgitte think he would know her?
(a) Blow the Horn of Valere.
(b) Go through the twisted doorway.
(c) Read about Jain Farstrider's adventures.
(d) Get the fox medallion.

5. What is still happening in Mat's head?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Dice are rattling.
(c) He repeats his false story over and over.
(d) He sees a list of every woman he has to rescue.

6. Who is Setalle Anan?
(a) A Sea Folk.
(b) The owner of the inn where Mat is staying.
(c) A Wilder.
(d) An Aes Sedai.

7. Who is with Mat when Tylin stops him from going out?
(a) Setalle.
(b) Olver.
(c) Nynaeve.
(d) Elayne.

8. Who is Mat reluctant to take with him to the festival?
(a) Elayne.
(b) Tylin.
(c) Beslan.
(d) Anan.

9. What does Nynaeve decide will happen that day?
(a) She and Lan will get married.
(b) She and Lan will return to Salidar.
(c) She will go and confront Moiraine.
(d) She will go and confront Myrelle.

10. What does Mat protest?
(a) Tylin's interest in him.
(b) The Queen's order for him to leave the city.
(c) Rand's order to protect Elayne.
(d) Elayne's order to stop trying to protect her.

11. Who attacks Mat out in the street?
(a) Seanchan soldiers.
(b) Black Ajah.
(c) Beggars.
(d) No one.

12. Who surround Rand, Caraline, Min, and Darlin?
(a) Dark Hounds.
(b) Aes Sedai.
(c) Aiel.
(d) Myrddraal.

13. How does Tylin get Mat into bed with her?
(a) Offering him large sums of money.
(b) Pulling a knife on him.
(c) Threatening the safety of his friends.
(d) Putting something in his drink.

14. What saves Birgitte when she was dying?
(a) She was not dying.
(b) Being bonded as warder to Elayne.
(c) Rand using Callandor.
(d) Nynaeve using a complex healing weave.

15. What is the person Perrin is looking for doing?
(a) Giving refuge to those who are helping the Seanchan.
(b) Killing anyone who believes Rand is the Dragon Reborn.
(c) Helping Darkfriends.
(d) Trying to frighten people into supporting Rand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rand's group find when they travel through camp?

2. What does Mat offer Elayne?

3. What does Nynaeve believe of Moghedien?

4. Why does Anan stop at every Inn on the way out of the city?

5. What is Elayne's response to Mat's offer?

(see the answer keys)

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