A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Nynaeve angry after hearing about the warder?
(a) She is not angry; just happy.
(b) She thinks Myrelle oversteps her boundaries.
(c) She loves Lan and wanted him to be her warder.
(d) She thinks Moiraine was cruel to Lan.

2. What is the proportion of Aes Sedai to Circle members?
(a) No one knows.
(b) They are roughly the same in number.
(c) About half as many Circle members as Aes Sedai.
(d) About half as many Aes Sedai as Circle members.

3. What does Mat learn about eating where he is living?
(a) He will not be allowed to eat unless it is with the Queen.
(b) He loves the food and it is all free.
(c) The food is very different from what he likes.
(d) He has to dress up for dinner and he hates that.

4. What happens when Rand puts on the crown that used to belong to King Mattin?
(a) He is stabbed by one of the swords on the crown.
(b) He becomes unconscious again.
(c) He is surrounded in white lift.
(d) He is healed.

5. What is the person Perrin is looking for doing?
(a) Giving refuge to those who are helping the Seanchan.
(b) Helping Darkfriends.
(c) Trying to frighten people into supporting Rand.
(d) Killing anyone who believes Rand is the Dragon Reborn.

6. What does Alviarin do to Elaida?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Kills her.
(c) Blackmails her.
(d) Deceives her.

7. Where does Perrin go to through a doorway?
(a) Caemlyn.
(b) Ghealdan.
(c) Salidar.
(d) Two Rivers.

8. What does Elaida learn about the capture of Rand?
(a) It was successful and he was on his way to the White Tower.
(b) The capture is not mentioned by the reporting Aes Sedai.
(c) It turned out badly for the White Tower.
(d) They have not yet been able to effect a capture.

9. Whom does Rand get to swear fealty to him?
(a) The Whitecloaks.
(b) The Sea Folk.
(c) The Seanchan.
(d) The people who follow the Prophet of the Dragon Reborn.

10. What is still happening in Mat's head?
(a) He repeats his false story over and over.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Dice are rattling.
(d) He sees a list of every woman he has to rescue.

11. What do Elayne and Nynaeve want Mat to do that he is unhappy about?
(a) Move into a small house with them.
(b) Move into the palace.
(c) Return to Rand.
(d) Seduce a member of the Black Ajah.

12. What are Reanne and her compatriots shocked to hear?
(a) That the White Tower knows of their Circle.
(b) That Elayne has gotten the White Tower to accept them.
(c) That the Seanchan are in Ebou Dou.
(d) That the Bowl of Winds is the thing they have planted flowers in.

13. What does Mat offer Elayne?
(a) His fox ring.
(b) His spear.
(c) The fox medallion.
(d) His second favorite scarf.

14. What is Morgase thinking of doing when Balwer enters her tent?
(a) Killing herself.
(b) Trying to escape.
(c) Giving Lady Suroth her kingdom.
(d) Trying to kill Lady Suroth.

15. Who has Moghedien's cour'souvra?
(a) Moridin.
(b) The Great Lord.
(c) Nynaeve.
(d) Egwene.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Reanne?

2. Why does Anan stop at every Inn on the way out of the city?

3. What descends upon Rand's camp just after Rand begins a demonstration sword fight?

4. Who is with Mat when Tylin stops him from going out?

5. Where is Nynaeve trapped?

(see the answer keys)

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