A Crown of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Crown of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom is Mat traveling?
(a) Just Nynaeve.
(b) Moiraine.
(c) Nynaeve and Elayne.
(d) Min and Elayne.

2. Where is Egwene in Chapter 8?
(a) Two Rivers.
(b) Falme.
(c) The White Tower.
(d) Salidar.

3. Whom did Lews Therin kill?
(a) No one.
(b) His wife.
(c) Mat.
(d) His brother.

4. Who is Elayne?
(a) A friend of Rand's from Two Rivers.
(b) The Queen of Andor.
(c) The woman to whom Rand has promised the throne of Cairhien.
(d) The Amyrlin Seat.

5. Who wishes to speak to Mat while he is at the palace?
(a) A Seanchan officer.
(b) An Aes Sedai.
(c) Queen Tylin.
(d) Beslan.

6. What does Niall do before he dies?
(a) Unties Morgase.
(b) Writes a note.
(c) Kills Omerna.
(d) Stabs Valda.

7. What is Rand doing at the beginning of Chapter 2?
(a) Interrogating an Aes Sedai.
(b) Searching through corpses.
(c) Creating a gateway.
(d) Sleeping.

8. Why is Myrelle upset?
(a) Because one of her warders asked to have his bond removed.
(b) Because she thinks Egwene knows something that Myrelle has been trying to hide.
(c) Because one of her warders was killed.
(d) Because she has a price on her head from the White Tower.

9. What worries Rand?
(a) That Nynaeve is becoming more and more like an Aes Sedai.
(b) That Elayne is unaccounted for.
(c) That Mat is not traveling very fast.
(d) That Thom is missing.

10. What are Nynaeve and Elayne seeking?
(a) The Bowl of the Winds.
(b) The a'dam that controls saidar.
(c) The a'dam that controls saidin.
(d) A seal from the Dark One's prison.

11. Whom has Egwene been hiding?
(a) No one.
(b) Siuan.
(c) Marigan.
(d) Elayne.

12. What does Cadsuane say about Elaida?
(a) She is almost as insane as Rand.
(b) Nothing.
(c) She is overambitious but is still the Amyrlin seat.
(d) She needs to be overthrown.

13. Who is Lady Shiaine?
(a) A noble from Andor.
(b) An assassin.
(c) A noble from Tear.
(d) A noble from Cairhien.

14. Where is Colavaere sent?
(a) Tar Valon.
(b) The Aiel wastelands.
(c) A small farm.
(d) Nowhere.

15. Why does Omerna stab Niall?
(a) Omerna wants Niall's position.
(b) For revenge.
(c) He is told to do so by Rand.
(d) For keeping Morgase alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Rand's group arrive in Chapter 3?

2. Where does Rand send the Aes Sedai prisoners?

3. What are Elayne and Nynaeve doing at the opening to Chapter 13?

4. What is on the ring Mat just bought?

5. What does Carridin tell Shiaine to do?

(see the answer keys)

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