A Children's Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Children's Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Moritz commit suicide?
(a) He gets Ilsa pregnant.
(b) He feels responsible for Wendla's abortion.
(c) He believes he is gay.
(d) He has been held back in school.

2. What did people find so offensive about A Children's Tragedy when it was first written?
(a) Wedekind's political alliances.
(b) The sexual content.
(c) Wedekind's sexuality.
(d) The criticism of Germany's role in Hitler's rise to power.

3. How does Melchior feel about people who end up in Hell because they do not enjoy visiting the poor?
(a) It is through no fault of their own.
(b) It is the Church's fault.
(c) It is entirely their fault.
(d) It is society's fault for putting the pressure on them.

4. In their first encounter, what question does Melchior pose to Wendla?
(a) He asks if she believes in God.
(b) He asks if she enjoys visiting poor people.
(c) He asks if she likes him.
(d) He asks if she understands sex.

5. According to Bentley, what group of people does not like this play?
(a) Libertarians.
(b) Environmentalists.
(c) Feminists.
(d) Abstinence-only groups.

6. Where does Act 1, Scene 2 take place?
(a) Outside.
(b) School.
(c) Church.
(d) Melchior's home.

7. With whom was Wedekind finding conflict while writing his play?
(a) The government.
(b) His mother.
(c) His lover.
(d) His father.

8. In the brief summary given in the introduction, what concept is Melchior struggling with?
(a) Sexual preference.
(b) Nationality.
(c) Political unrest.
(d) Morality.

9. How is Wendla's body, in terms of maturation?
(a) Matronly.
(b) Well-developed.
(c) Very under-developed.
(d) Slightly below average.

10. According to Bentley's analysis, who may NOT be the masked figure at the end of the play?
(a) God.
(b) Life.
(c) Satan.
(d) Goethe.

11. In the first scene, what does Wendla wonder about her future?
(a) She wonders what sort of mother she will make.
(b) She wonders what sort of husband she will have.
(c) She wonders what she will look like in a few years.
(d) She wonders if she will make it to adulthood.

12. Why did Martha, after being punished for the ribbon, come back inside?
(a) She was lonely.
(b) She was being chased by boys.
(c) She was naked and it was cold.
(d) She was too clothed for the heat.

13. Why does Wendla die?
(a) She is taken into custody and dies in prison.
(b) Abortion pills.
(c) Suicide.
(d) She is murdered to cover up her rape.

14. How do all the boys in Act 1, Scene 2 two know each other?
(a) They are all related to each other.
(b) Church.
(c) School.
(d) Government-sanctioned parties.

15. What form does the play evolve into?
(a) Experimental.
(b) Expressionism.
(c) Absurdism.
(d) Realism.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act 1, Scene 2, what does Moritz dream about?

2. What happened to Martha when her parents saw her with a ribbon on her nightgown?

3. While Wedekind wrote his play, what were people questioning?

4. For how long may Wendla wear her old dress?

5. How many students in Melchior and Moritz's class will be allowed to graduate to the next grade?

(see the answer keys)

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