300 Test | Final Test - Easy

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300 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Persian visitor offers to make Leonidas the _________________ of all Greece.
(a) King
(b) Dictator
(c) Owner
(d) Absolute warlord

2. What happens when the army begins to leave in order to protect the secret path, as revealed by Ephialtes?
(a) Lightning streaks across the sky
(b) The thunder rumbles
(c) They all fall down
(d) The ground shakes

3. The Hot Gates themselves are a narrow ______________ gap at the base of a wall.
(a) Yards wide
(b) Tunnel
(c) Window
(d) Inches wide

4. The family of Ephialtes left ____________ and traveled north to get away.
(a) Rome
(b) Tuscany
(c) Athens
(d) Sparta

5. What Greek formation requires that the soldiers hold their bodies in a certain formation?
(a) Alpha phalanx
(b) Hoplite phalanx
(c) Delta
(d) Lambda Sigma

6. Ephialtes reveals that his father taught him to fight like a _____________.
(a) God
(b) Monster
(c) Spartan
(d) Persian

7. Who does the Persian visitor see butchered and impaled as he enters the camp?
(a) Scouts
(b) Animals
(c) Leonidas
(d) Xerxes

8. As a result of his deformity, Ephialtes, Leonidas tells him he can not be a part of the ___________.
(a) Battle
(b) Camp
(c) Country
(d) Phalanx

9. Leonidas quickly dispatches the ___________ to guard the secret path that Ephialtes reveals to him.
(a) Roman
(b) Phocian
(c) Athenian
(d) Persian

10. Who wishes to have an audience with Leonidas after the fighting during the day?
(a) Dilios
(b) Ephialtes
(c) Xerxes
(d) Perisan envoy

11. Xerxes orders his personal bodyguard, _______________, into combat.
(a) The Immortals
(b) The Skulls
(c) The Jewels
(d) The elephants

12. Where are the Spartan defensive tactics centering on at the start of this chapter?
(a) Hot Gates
(b) Goat path
(c) Open field
(d) Sea

13. What is the second wave of Persian soldiers surrounded by as they come to attack the Spartans?
(a) Light foot infantry
(b) Trebuchets
(c) Magicians
(d) Slingshots

14. The iron clad ____________ of the Spartan army ensures no man will falter or flee.
(a) Will
(b) Bravery
(c) Stubbornness
(d) Commitment

15. What do the Persian army men wear on their heads as a part of their military uniforms?
(a) Metal pans
(b) Wicker berets
(c) Turbans
(d) Helmets

Short Answer Questions

1. The Spartans only need to defend a narrow strip of ______________ against the Persian attack when they are at the Hot Gates.

2. The narrow trail is near a cliff which falls to the ___________ below.

3. What is the Persian visitor worried about the disappearance of as he enters the camp?

4. Who staggers into the Spartan camp, which surprises everyone who sees him?

5. What does Leonidas see as a major flaw in the Persian king?

(see the answer keys)

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