22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

22 Britannia Road Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Hodgkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Janusz that he needs to leave for England?
(a) Bruno.
(b) Helene's husband.
(c) Helene's father.
(d) Helene.

2. Where do Silvana and Aurek lie to wait for death?
(a) A blue velvet chaise longue.
(b) A green velvet chaise longue.
(c) A red velvet chaise longue.
(d) A purple velvet chaise longue.

3. Who spends the day in the woods with Silvana and Aurek?
(a) Janusz and Peter.
(b) Doris and Peter.
(c) Peter and Tony.
(d) Janusz.

4. How does Helene die?
(a) She was hit by a car.
(b) Shot by a German soldier.
(c) She drown.
(d) Pneumonia.

5. What does Janusz realize as he is digging in the yard?
(a) That he can't live in England.
(b) That he loves Silvana.
(c) That he loves Aurek.
(d) That he has no more dreams.

6. What does Silvana tell Tony?
(a) That she slept with a German soldier.
(b) That she killed a woman.
(c) That the real Aurek is dead.
(d) That she wants to go back to Janusz.

7. What does Silvana decide to do on the way to Janusz?
(a) Tell him the truth about Aurek.
(b) Tell Janusz that she wants a divorce.
(c) Tell Janusz to go back to Poland.
(d) Pretend Aurek lied.

8. What does Silvana want to tell Tony, but backtracks at the last moment and leaves?
(a) Her life story.
(b) That she was fired.
(c) That she still loves Janusz.
(d) That she wants to go with him.

9. What does Aurek do when he sees his parents together?
(a) He jump from the porch.
(b) He hangs from the window.
(c) He goes and hides.
(d) He cries.

10. What happens to Bruno?
(a) His submarine sinks.
(b) His tank is destroyed.
(c) His ship is sunk.
(d) His plane crashes in the fog.

11. How does Silvana's savior see her and her son?
(a) As miracles.
(b) As parasites.
(c) As strangers.
(d) As lost souls.

12. Why does Aurek go after the rook's nest?
(a) To make a pen holder with the nest.
(b) To get a feather.
(c) To bring a gift to his father.
(d) To eat it.

13. Why does Aurek run out into the rain?
(a) His mother doesn't want him to play with Peter anymore.
(b) His mother tells him his real father is dead.
(c) His mother tells him they are going to move out.
(d) His mother tells him he is not really her son.

14. What does Janusz show Aurek when they return home?
(a) A picture of Silvana and him before the war.
(b) A picture of his grandparents.
(c) The trees in the backyard.
(d) The picture of them the first day.

15. What is Tony's other occupation?
(a) Dancer.
(b) Fisherman.
(c) Bingo host.
(d) Black marketeer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tony say to Janusz when he sees him on the road?

2. Who writes the last letter bringing news from Helene?

3. What does Silvana do before changing into the dress bought by Janusz?

4. Why should the thief not be punished for his or her actions?

5. What do Janus, Doris and Gilbert discuss in Page 240-271?

(see the answer keys)

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