10 Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10 Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Medea": What does Medea need to find before she carries out her plans for Jason?
(a) A safe home for her children.
(b) A place to go.
(c) A safe haven for her flight.
(d) Money to travel.

2. "Ion": Who tries to get Creusa to kill Xuthus and Ion?
(a) The handmaiden.
(b) The retainer.
(c) The servant.
(d) The slave.

3. "Medea": What has Aegeus been consulting with the oracle to discover?
(a) How he can kill Creon.
(b) How he can get children.
(c) How he can live as a king.
(d) How he can get to Jason.

4. Whom is Death arguing with at the beginning of the play "Alcestis"?
(a) Apollo.
(b) Alcestis.
(c) The Fates.
(d) Admetus.

5. "Ion": How is Xuthus described?
(a) A barbarian.
(b) A non-Athenian.
(c) A stranger.
(d) A learned man.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Ion": After Creusa gives birth to a boy, to where does she take him?

2. "Andromache": Whom was Hermione supposed to marry?

3. "Medea": Whom does Medea kill?

4. "Andromache": Where does Orestes plan to ambush Neoptolemos?

5. "Hippolytus": Who warns Hippolytus not to anger the other gods?

Short Essay Questions

1. "Ion": What does the oracle tell Xuthus?

2. "Andromache": What does Menelaus claim when he comes to the shrine?

3. "Hippolytus": What is Aphrodite raging against in her speech at the beginning of the play?

4. "Alcestis": Why does Alcestis claim she is dying for her husband?

5. "Andromache": When Menelaus betrays Andromache when she leaves the shrine, what does she do?

6. "Ion": Why do Xuthus and Creusa travel to Delphi?

7. "Hippolytus": What tactic does Aphrodite use to begin her plot of revenge?

8. "Ion": How does Ion respond when Creusa says that the gods may be to blame for their troubles?

9. "Alcestis": What labor is Heracles on his way to perform?

10. "Alcestis": What has Admetus done before the beginning of the play?

(see the answer keys)

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