10 Plays Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10 Plays Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Iphigenia Among Taurians.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Hippolytus": Who gave Theseus the wish he uses to call down death on Hippolytus?
(a) Poseidon.
(b) Hades.
(c) Apollo.
(d) Ares.

2. "Iphigenia among Taurians": In Iphigenia's dream, what do Orestes and Pylades try to take from the temple?
(a) The gifts.
(b) The priestesses.
(c) The sacrifices.
(d) The idol.

3. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Who tells the king of Iphigenia's deceit?
(a) A messenger.
(b) A merchant.
(c) A herdsman.
(d) A sailor.

4. "Iphigenia among Taurians": Of what crime does Iphigenia plan to claim the two men are guilty making them unclean?
(a) Fratricide.
(b) Homicide.
(c) Patricide.
(d) Matricide.

5. "Hippolytus": Hippolytus's father is in exile to pay penance for a crime committed where?
(a) In Macedonia.
(b) In Sparta.
(c) In Sicily.
(d) In Athens.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Ion": Which goddess appears to tell how Ion's descendants will settle many parts of Greece ?

2. "Hippolytus": With whom does Aphrodite make Phaedra fall in love?

3. "Hippolytus": What is Aphrodite goddess of?

4. "Hippolytus": Where is Hippolytus's father in exile?

5. "Ion": What does Creusa put her baby boy in?

(see the answer key)

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