On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures.

On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures.

’Between the years 1811 and 1831, three hundred and
forty-eight steamboats were built on the Mississippi and its
tributary streams During that period a hundred and fifty were
lost or worn out,
’Of this hundred and fifty: 
            worn out 63
            lost by snags 36
            burnt 14
            lost by collision 3
            by accidents
                not ascertained 34
Thirty-six, or nearly one fourth, being destroyed by accidental

Snag is the name given in America to trees which stand nearly upright in the stream, with their roots fixed at the bottom.

It is usual to divide off at the bow of the steamboats a watertight chamber, in order that when a hole is made in it by running against the snags, the water may not enter the rest of the vessel and sink it instantly.

2.  This passage is not printed in italics in the original, but it has been thus marked in the above extract, from its importance, and from the conviction that the most extended discussion will afford additional evidence of its truth.

3.  Report from the Committee of the House of Commons on the Framework Knitter’s Petition, April, 1819.

Chapter 30

On Combinations Amongst Masters or Workmen against Each Other

353.  There exist amongst the workmen of almost all classes, certain rules or laws which govern their actions towards each other, and towards their employers.  But, besides these general principles, there are frequently others peculiar to each factory, which have derived their origin, in many instances, from the mutual convenience of the parties engaged in them.  Such rules are little known except to those actually pursuing the several trades; and, as it is of importance that their advantages and disadvantages should be canvassed, we shall offer a few remarks upon some of them.

354.  The principles by which such laws should be tried are,

First.  That they conduce to the general benefit of all the persons employed.

Secondly.  That they prevent fraud.

Thirdly.  That they interfere as little as possible with the free agency of each individual.

355.  It is usual in many workshops, that, on the first entrance of a new journeyman, he shall pay a small fine to the rest of the men.  It is clearly unjust to insist upon this payment; and when it is spent in drinking, which is, unfortunately, too often the case, it is injurious.  The reason assigned for the demand is, that the newcomer will require some instruction in the habits of the shop, and in the places of the different tools, and will thus waste the time of some of his companions until he is instructed.  If this fine were added to a fund, managed by the workmen themselves, and either divided at given periods, or reserved for their relief in sickness, it would be less objectionable, since its tendency would be to check the too frequent change of men from one shop to another.  But it ought, at all events, not to be compulsory, and the advantages to be derived from the fund to which the workman is invited to subscribe, ought to be his sole inducement to contribute.

Project Gutenberg
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.