McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
lure   cube   mute   lune   huge
cure   tube   duke   dune   pule
pure   lute   jute   use   cue

Lesson 5.

Short Sounds of Vowels.

crab   bled   chip   shot   bump
grab   fled   ship   blot   lump
drab   sled   whip   spot   pump
slab   sped   slip   plot   jump
stab   then   drip   trot   hump
brag   bent   spit   clog   bulk
cram   best   crib   frog   just
clan   hemp   gift   plod   drug
clad   vest   king   stop   shut
dash   west   grit   clod   hush

Lesson 6.

Various Vowel Sounds.

bard   deal   tank   dell   ill
card   veal   rank   tell   bill
hard   meal   sank   well   fill
bark   neat   hank   yell   rill
dark   heat   dank   belt   hill
dint   bang   dime   rave   cull
hint   fang   lime   gave   dull
lint   gang   tine   lave   gull
mint   hang   fine   pave   hull
tint   rang   mine   save   mull

Lesson 7.

Long Sounds of Vowels.

blaze   sneer   drive   globe   dean
craze   creed   tribe   drone   bean
shape   steep   brine   stone   bead
state   sleek   spire   probe   beam
crape   fleet   bride   shore   lean
fume    smite   blame   clear   mope
spume   spite   flame   drear   mold
fluke   quite   slate   blear   tore
flume   whine   spade   spear   robe
dure    spine   prate   smear   poke

Lesson 8.

Various Sounds of Vowels.

clasp   small   cramp   bring   moan
grasp   stall   stamp   cling   coast
flask   fall    grand   sling   toast
graft   wall    stand   swing   roast
craft   squall  lamp    thing   roach
book    boon    stork   wad     pod
good    spoon   horse   was     rob
took    bloom   snort   wash    rock
foot    broom   short   wast    soft
hook    stool   north   what    lost

Lesson 9.

Long Sounds of Vowels under the Accent.

fa’tal   le’gal   lo’cal   cu’bit
na’tal   re’gal   fo’cal   du’el
pa’pal   re’al    vo’cal   hu’man
pa’gan   pe’nal   o’ral    u’nit
ba’by    ta’per   o’val    du’ly
la’dy    di’al    to’tal   fu’ry
la’zy    tri’al   bo’ny    ju’ry
ma’zy    fi’nal   co’ny    pu’ny
na’vy    vi’tal   go’ry    pu’pil
ra’cy    ri’val   ro’sy    hu’mid
Sa’tan   vi’al    po’sy    tu’mid

Lesson 10.

Short Sounds of Vowels under the Accent.

al’um     el’der    civ’il   cul’prit
al’to     hec’tic   dit’ty   clum’sy
can’ter   helm’et   gid’dy   dul’cet
mar’ry    fen’nel   fil’ly   fun’nel
ral’ly    ken’nel   sil’ly   gul’ly
nap’kin   bel’fry   liv’id   buck’et
hap’py    ed’dy     lim’it   gus’set
pan’try   en’try    lim’ber  sul’len
ram’mer   en’vy     riv’et   sum’mon
mam’mon   test’y    lin’en   hur’ry
tab’let   self’ish  mil’let  mul’let

Lesson 11.

Various Sounds of A.

care   fast   charm  camp   war
mare   mast   chart  damp   warp
share  cask   lard   hand   warm
spare  mask   arm    land   ward
snare  past   yard   sand   warn
game   scar   lake   waft   fray
lame   spar   dale   raft   play
name   star   gale   chaff  gray
fame   garb   cape   aft    stay
tame   barb   shame  staff  bray

Lesson 12.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.