McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Various Sounds of A.

dan’ger   am’ber    lard’er   clat’ter
man’ger   ban’ter   mar’gin   flat’ter
quak’er   ban’ner   ar’dent   lat’ter
qua’ver   hand’y    ar’my     mat’ter
dra’per   man’na    art’ist   pat’ter
wa’ger    can’cer   har’vest  tat’ter
fa’vor    pan’der   par’ty    rag’ged
fla’vor   tam’per   tar’dy    rack’et
sa’vor    plan’et   ar’dor    van’ish
ma’jor    ham’per   car’pet   gal’lant
ca’per    stam’mer  gar’ment  pat’tern

Lesson 13.

Various Sounds of E.

sheep   ce’dar     bet’ter   cler’gy
creep   fe’ver     fet’ter   fer’vor
sleep   tre’mor    let’ter   her’mit
sweep   ge’nus     en’ter    mer’cy
speed   se’cret    ev’er     ser’mon
breeze  re’bus     nev’er    ser’pent
teeth   se’quel    sev’er    mer’chant
sneeze  se’quence  dex’ter   ver’bal
breed   he’ro      mem’ber   ver’dict
bleed   ze’ro      plen’ty   per’son
freed   se’cant    ven’om    fer’ment

Lesson 14.

Various Sounds of I.

bird    bri’er   bib’ber    thir’ty
birch   ci’der   bit’ter    thirst’y
chirp   mi’ser   dif’fer    third’ly
flirt   spi’der  din’ner    birch’en
girl    vi’per   frit’ter   chirp’er
shirt   cli’ent  lit’ter    girl’ish
squirm  gi’ant   riv’er     gird’er
squirt  i’tem    shiv’er    stir’less
third   i’cy     sil’ver    first’ly
girt    spi’ral  in’ner     birth’day
gird    i’vy     liv’er     mirth’ful

Lesson 15.

Various Sounds of O.

bro’ker   col’ic    cor’net    worst
clo’ver   ton’ic    cor’set    come
drov’er   top’ic    or’gan     love
gro’cer   mor’al    sor’did    dove
o’ver     com’ma    tor’pid    shoot
o’dor     dog’ged   form’al    moon
so’lar    doc’tor   for’ty     moose
po’lar    cop’per   lord’ly    tooth
pok’er    fod’der   morn’ing   gorge
home’ly   fos’ter   orb’it     most
po’em     pon’der   mor’tal    prop

Lesson 16.

Various Sounds of U.

hu’mor    but’ter    mur’der    pru’dent
ju’ror    mut’ter    mur’mur    fru’gal
tu’mor    rud’der    tur’ban    tru’ly
stu’por   shut’ter   tur’nip    tru’ant
tu’tor    suf’fer    tur’key    cru’et
cu’rate   sup’per    pur’port   bru’in
lu’cid    mum’my     curl’y     dru’id
stu’dent  mus’ket    fur’ry     ru’in
stu’pid   num’ber    fur’nish   ru’by
lu’nar    nut’meg    cur’vet    bru’tal
tu’mult   stut’ter   bur’den    gru’el

Lesson 17.

Various Sounds of the Vowels.

June   furl   husk    from    halt
dupe   hurl   musk    pomp    malt
tune   turn   rusk    romp    salt
flute  churn  stung   long    waltz
plume  hurt   pluck   song    swan
glue   curl   drunk   strong  wasp
droop  deck   chill   for     sheath
gloom  neck   drill   corn    shell
loop   next   quill   fork    shorn
hoof   text   skill   form    shout
roof   desk   spill   sort    shrub
proof  nest   frill   torch   shrug

Lesson 18.

Words Accented on the last Syllable.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.