Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Imperium in Imperio.

Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Imperium in Imperio.

“Some tell us that a sea is in our way, so deep that we cannot cross.  Let us answer back in joyful tones as our vessels push out from the shore, that our clotted blood, shed in the middle of the sea, will float to the other side, even if we do not reach there ourselves.

“Others tell us that towering, snow-capped mountains enclose the land.  To this we answer, if we die on the mountain-side, we shall be shrouded in sheets of whitest snow, and all generations of men yet to come upon the earth will have to gaze upward in order to see our whitened forms.

“Let us then, at all hazards, strike a blow for freedom.  If it calls for a Thermopylae, be free.  If it calls for a Valley Forge, be free.  If contending for our rights, given unto us by God, causes us to be slain, let us perish on the field of battle, singing as we pass out of the world, ‘Sweet Freedom’s song,’ though every word of this soul-inspiring hymn must come forth wrapped in our hearts’ warm blood.

“Gentlemen of the Imperium in Imperio, I await your pleasure.”



When Bernard ceased speaking and took his seat the house was as silent as a graveyard.  All felt that the time for words had passed and the next and only thing in order was a deed.

Each man seemed determined to keep his seat and remain silent until he had some definite plan to suggest.  At length one man, somewhat aged, arose and spoke as follows: 

“Fellow citizens, our condition is indeed past enduring and we must find a remedy.  I have spent the major portion of my life in close study of this subject, searching for a solution.  My impression is that the negro will never leave this country.  The day for the wholesale exodus of nations is past.  We must, then, remain here.  As long as we remain here as a separate and distinct race we shall continue to be oppressed.  We must lose our identity.  I, therefore, urge that we abandon the idea of becoming anything noteworthy as a separate and distinct race and send the word forth that we amalgamate.”

When the word “amalgamate” escaped his lips a storm of hisses and jeers drowned further speech and he quickly crouched down in his seat.  Another arose and advocated emigration to the African Congo Free State.  He pointed out that this State, great in area and rich in resources, was in the hands of the weak kingdom of Belgium and could be wrested from Belgium with the greatest ease.  In fact, it might be possible to purchase it, as it was the personal property of King Leopold.

He further stated that one of his chief reasons for suggesting emigration was that it would be a terrible blow to the South.  The proud Southerner would then have his own forests to fell and fields to tend.  He pictured the haughty Southern lady at last the queen of her own kitchen.  He then called attention to the loss of influence and prestige which the South would sustain in the nation.  By losing nearly one half of its population the South’s representation in Congress would be reduced to such a point that the South would have no appreciable influence on legislation for one half a century to come.  He called attention to the business depression that would ensue when the southern supply merchant lost such an extensive consumer as the negro.

Project Gutenberg
Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.