The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

FI’CTION, s. a fanciful invention; a probable or improbable invention;
    a falsehood; a lie

FIDE’LITY, s. honesty; faithful adherence

FI’GURE, s. shape; person; stature; the form of anything as terminated
    by the outline

FI’LIAL, a. pertaining to a son; befitting a son; becoming the
    relation of a son

FI’RMAMENT, s. sky; heavens

FLA’GON, s. a vessel with a narrow mouth

FLA’MBEAU, s. (pronounced flam-bo) a lighted torch

FLA’VOUR, s. power of pleasing the taste; odour

    FLEUR-DE-LIS, s. (French for a lily, pronounced flur-de-lee) a
    term applied in architecture and heraldry

FLE’XIBLE, a. capable of being bent; pliant; not brittle; complying: 
    obsequious; ductile; manageable

FLOAT, v.n. to swim on the surface of water; to move without labour in
    a fluid; to pass with a light irregular course; v.a. to cover with

FLO’RIDNESS, s. freshness of colour

FLO’URISH, v.a. and v.n. yield; prosper; wield; adorn

FLU’CTUATE, v.n. roll to and again, as water in agitation; be in an
    uncertain state

FLU’ID, a. anything not solid

FLU’TTER, v.n. move irregularly; take short flights with great
    agitation of the wines

FO’LIAGE, s. leaves; tuft of leaves

FO’LLOWING, a. coming after another

FOME’NT, v.a. cherish with heat; encourage

FO’REFATHER, s. ancestor

FO’REIGN, a. not in this country; not domestic; remote; not belonging

FO’REPART, s. anterior part

FO’REST, s. a wild uncultivated tract of ground, with wood

FO’RMER, a. before another in time; the first of two

FO’RMIDABLE, a. terrible; dreadful; tremendous

FORTIFICA’TION, s. the science of military architecture; a place built
    for strength

FO’RTITUDE, s. courage; bravery; strength

FO’RWARD, v.a. hasten; quicken; advance

FO’RWARD, a. warm; earnest; quick; ready

FO’RWARD, ad. onward; straight before

FO’RWARDNESS, s. eagerness; ardour; quickness; confidence

FOSSE, s. a ditch; a moat

FOUNDA’TION, s. the basis or lower parts of an edifice; the act of
    fixing the basis; original; rise

FRA’GMENT, s. a part broken from the whole; an imperfect piece

FRA’NTIC, a. mad; deprived of understanding

FREE’STONE, s. stone commonly used in building, so called because it
    can be cut freely in all directions

FREIGHT, s. anything with which a ship is loaded; the money due for
    transportation of goods

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.