The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

EXTE’ND, v.a. stretch out; diffuse; impart

EXTE’NSIVE, a. large; wide; comprehensive

EXTE’RIOR, a. outward; external

EXTE’RNAL, a. outward

EXTI’NGUISH, v.a. put out; destroy; obscure

EXTI’RPATE, v.a. root out; eradicate

E’XTRACT, s. the chief parts drawn from anything

EXTRAO’RDINARY, a. different from common order and method; eminent;

EXTRA’VAGANT, a. wasteful; not saving; otherwise, improbable, false

EXTRE’MELY, ad. greatly; very much; in the utmost degree

EXTRE’MITY, s. the utmost point; highest degree; parts at the greatest

FACI’LITY, s. ease; dexterity; affability

FA’CTORY, s. a house or district inhabited by traders in a distant
    country; traders embodied in one place

FA’CULTY, s. the power of doing anything; ability

FAMI’LIAR, a. domestic; free; well known; common; unceremonious

FAMI’LIARITY, s. easiness of conversation; acquaintance

FA’MILY, s. those who live in the same house; household; race; clans

FA’MOUS, a. renowned; celebrated

FANA’TICISM, s. madness; frenzy; insanity

FANTA’STIC, a. whimsical; fanciful; imaginary

FA’RTHER, ad. at a greater distance; beyond this

FA’SHION, v.a. form; mould; figure; make according to the rule
    prescribed by custom

FA’TAL, a. deadly; mortal; appointed by destiny

FATI’GUE, s. weariness

FATI’GUE, v.a. tire; weary

FAUN, s. a kind of rural deity

FA’VOURITE, s. a person or thing beloved; one regarded with favour

FE’ATHER, s. plume of birds

FE’ATURE, s. the cast or make of the face; any lineament or single
    part of the face

FE’ELING, s. the sense of touch; sensibility; tenderness; perception

FERMENTA’TION, s. a slow motion of the particles of a mixed body,
    arising usually from the operation of some active acid matter; as
    when leaven or yeast ferments bread or wort

FERO’CITY, s. savageness; wildness; fierceness

FE’RTILE, a. fruitful; abundant; plenteous

FERTI’LITY, s. abundance; fruitfulness

FE’STAL, a. festive; joyous; gay

FE’STIVAL, a. time of feast; anniversary-day of civil or religious joy

FESTO’ON, s. In architecture, an ornament of carved work in the form
    of a wreath or garland of flowers or leaves twisted together

FEU’DAL, a. dependant; held by tenure

FI’BRE, s. a small thread or string

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.