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Comparing Protagonists in Choke and Birdsong Student Essay, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by Chuck Palahniuk
Fight Club: Book Vs. Movie Student Essay, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by Chuck Palahniuk
The Notion of the "I" in Literature Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, Book Notes, and Nota de Libro by Sylvia Plath
Poe and the Gothic Genre Biography, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, and Literature Criticism
Similarities Frequently Overlooked Biography, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, and Literature Criticism
"The Swimmer" Vs. "The Masque of the Red Death" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
A Befriending Prelude to Murder Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
A Comparison of "The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Seven Ages of Man" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
A Gothic Comparison: the Raven Vs. Seven eBook, Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
Comparing and Contrasting Two Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Student Essay and Study Guide by Edgar Allan Poe
Comparison between "Tell Tale Heart" and "Psycho" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
How Poe Scares People with "the Raven" and "the Tell Tale Heart" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
It's All about the Movie Student Essay, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Edgar Allan Poe

It's All about the Movie

The Fall of the House of Usher

by Edgar Allan Poe

Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death and "The Telltale Heart" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
Sweet Revenge Pursued in "The Gilded Six-Bits" and "A Cask of Amontillado" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
The Human Response to the Fear of Death Student Essay and Study Guide by Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
Theme Analysis of 3 Stories from Poe Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by Edgar Allan Poe
Tone in "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" Student Essay and Study Guide by Edgar Allan Poe
Comparison of the Aspects of Religion Student Essay, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Chaim Potok
Religious Appreciation of Family Life Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Chaim Potok
The Chosen, and Related Readings Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Chaim Potok
A Comparison of the Characters Lyra and Gaea Student Essay, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by Philip Pullman
| Showing 1-23 of 23 |