The Things They Carried

Why does the author say that being against the war in college was "entirely an intellectual activity"?


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O'Brien is alluding to the fact that his stance on the war came from second hand information he'd gathered along the way.... he had no basis on which to take a stance based upon experience, so he formed it on what he'd learned. He felt no "personal danger". Facing the draft.... his emotions and perspective changed.


The Things They Carried

The author's statement that being against the war in college was "entirely an intellectual activity" reflects the idea that for many students, opposing the war was more about engaging in discussions and debates rather than experiencing the realities of war firsthand. This detachment contrasts with the lived experiences of soldiers on the front lines. For students analyzing such themes in literature or needing assistance with their essays, platforms like chat openai can provide valuable support in organizing thoughts and enhancing their writing skills. This can help deepen their understanding of complex topics and improve their academic performance.
