Association of Norwegian Civil Engineers Code of Ethics Encyclopedia Article

Association of Norwegian Civil Engineers Code of Ethics

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Table of Contents

Relation of the Civil Engineer to Society

  1. In their professional work, the members shall promote a community-oriented and harmonious technical and industrial development.
  2. The members shall execute their work according to sound technical principles. Proper consideration must be given to economic and human factors, to the influence of the work on the environment and the community, and to other demands dictated by circumstances.
  3. Professional (technical) questions must be dealt with in a factual and objective manner. The members must attempt to give the public a correct understanding of technical matters and to counteract erroneous conceptions.

Relation of Civil Engineer to Employer and Client

  1. The members shall protect the interests of their employers and clients in matters which have been entrusted to them, as long as this does not contradict general ethical fundamental principles.
  2. The members are not allowed to receive compensation from anypartner in a group-deal unless all other partners are also aware of this. The members must not use their professional position to obtain personal advantages.

Relation of Civil Engineer to Colleagues and Co-Workers

  1. The members shall protect the professional reputation of their colleagues and co-workers against unfair criticism, slander, or false accusations. They should contribute to the fact that whosoever has executed a technical assignment should also receive the acknowledgement and compensation for this.
  2. The members should not engage in disloyal competition. The rightful ownership of others with regard to plans, drawings, ideas, inventions, etc., should be respected.
  3. A member is not allowed to take over a position after a colleague if there is reason to believe that the latter was unfairly dismissed or in some other manner deprived of his work for reasons which contradict the general ethical fundamental principles.
  4. A member is not allowed to take over an assignment which has been entrusted to a colleague without first informing the latter and without ascertaining that there are reasonable grounds for the client's solicitation.
  5. Members are not allowed to advertise their activities or to offer their services in an unworthy or misleading manner or to attempt to obtain assignments with improper methods.



This code is promulgated by means of a one-page typewritten and photocopied document.

An introductory note states that the code was "passed by the Board of Governors of the NIF [Norwegian Civil Engineers Association] on June 26, 1970, as a supplement to paragraph 8, point 1, of the statutes."